NiteWolf - 07/25/00 23:08:50 My Sex: Male Art thou a Fae born soul?: Hold on a sec,,, lemme ask the wolf if there is anyone else in here. Of what do you dream?: Bringing the world back into balance. How likest thou our little Glen?: Quite a nice place to rest ones tail. | Comments: |
Lee - 06/21/00 04:09:51 My Art thou a Fae born soul?: It might amount to broad interpratation but it seems that all souls are Fae born if I understand the definition given here. Of what do you dream?: In serious reflection, I think that when we are asleep that our mind move about in a non-physical plane of existance; some of my friends think dream experiences are completely unreal, but I am greatful that they are my still y friends. In my dreams, like here, the clever manipulate the foolish and the strong bully the weak, but also some who have learned from experience try to provide guidence and some offer what protection they can. How likest thou our little Glen?: I feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of trying to fit one's self, reality, or the activity of living into any conceptual language, but if we are going to understand such things then we have to start somewher . Your manner of thinking sounds as good as any other; and I applaud it if you apply yourself with sincerity as I have good indication that you do. | Comments: I hope the author of this page has found a way out of his troubled time; I have lived with some disturbing things for a very long time, and offer a small digest of what I have learned in hope that it will be of some use to you. Love, sanity, and happiness seem to be like living things because they exist in living things. If fed a healthy diet, they grow and flourish; if not, they can become diseased. They must be cloathed and sheltered or they will become pray for the elements. And they need alot of attent on, they can die of neglect. This is not some self-help psychology, it is from my own considered experience. I think you have a beautiful way of your own. I wish you well. |
Lady Sierininn - 09/28/99 16:41:39 My Sex: female Art thou a Fae born soul?: Most definitely, wings and all. ;-) Of what do you dream?: Of laughter and light, music and love, friends and companions How likest thou our little Glen?: Very nice, a wonderful infusement of glamour | Comments: Beautifully done! You two do a very nice job. Just dropping by to say hi and to get a few smiles out of my day. Thanks! |
Raven - 08/12/99 07:12:23 My Sex: when ever possible Art thou a Fae born soul?: Of course Of what do you dream?: light, laughter, and sex How likest thou our little Glen?: Alot, always have and always will | Comments: Wanted to stop by and say hi to those of you that stop in. I also wanted to drop off a message. For those of you that Say hi to this page and leave a note and believe that you are a satyr then I welcome you to join the satyrs_glen e-mail list. We are on o under the same name. check us out and see what you think. Raven |
Persephone Moonsdawn - 06/07/99 12:47:17 My URL: My Sex: as often as I can :) Art thou a Fae born soul?: Look about her self and asks: " do the hooves give it away?" Of what do you dream?: peace within my soul How likest thou our little Glen?: very muchly | Comments: What can I say it's everything I dreamed and more |
Persephone Moonsdawn - 06/07/99 12:46:55 My URL: My Sex: as often as I can :) Art thou a Fae born soul?: Look about her self and asks: " do the hooves give it away?" Of what do you dream?: peace within my soul How likest thou our little Glen?: very muchly | Comments: What can I say it's everything I dreamed and more |
The Mad Jester - 05/04/99 10:22:18 My URL: My Sex: Yes please! Art thou a Fae born soul?: Duh...gimme an S, gimme an A, gimme a T, gimme a Y, gimme an R! WHATTA YOU GET??? Of what do you dream?: Large brested red heads, know any? How likest thou our little Glen?: Been doin the Glen for years. | Comments: Hey guys, I have the honor of being the 1000th wierdo to hit your site! Thats pretty cool, do I win anything? A trip to Cancun would be nice... get in touch, we'll do lunch. |
Kevin - 04/30/99 17:53:11 My Sex: Male, of course Art thou a Fae born soul?: let me check my horns Of what do you dream?: women, of course How likest thou our little Glen?: haven't looked yet | Comments: |
Kevin - 04/30/99 17:50:34 My Sex: Male, of course Art thou a Fae born soul?: let me check my horns Of what do you dream?: women, of course How likest thou our little Glen?: haven't looked yet | Comments: |
Jane - 04/28/99 14:49:33 My URL: My Sex: female Art thou a Fae born soul?: aye Of what do you dream?: the beautiful glades of arcadia How likest thou our little Glen?: an interesting place filled with glamour | Comments: I think it's fab and woul like to put a link to my page okies. |
Jonny Tango - 04/06/99 10:57:17 My Email:JonnyTango@Tesconet. Sex: Male Art thou a Fae born soul?: No I come from a time before. Of what do you dream?: Of woods, Of Nymphs, of Music. How likest thou our little Glen?: Very Nice, Very pleasant, somewhere were play could begin. | Comments: How we forget, Pan the all, the entire, the whole, the place in the roof of our head, the whole, the king of pannic to those who are not natural, and who are the wild beasts of whom he is king, me and you? Do you walk naked in the depths of the woods at n ght, ready for his seed, or do you hide with the light of the room of your security, come play with me, and the king, the Allfather? the progeator of flowers with his mistress mother earth, long live Pan! he is with us once more, and you Nymphs? prepare y urselves for him, his pipes are allready playing in your ears, his howls will be yours, for your pleasure. Love Jonny Tango, and adoration to you nymphs and satyrs. |
Merlin - 02/03/99 23:28:17 My Sex: whenever possible,but looking always Art thou a Fae born soul?: satyr How likest thou our little Glen?: your page has opened my mind | Comments: |
Celestina Morgana - 12/19/98 08:51:25 My Sex: passionate and frequent Art thou a Fae born soul?: Whether fae born or fae become, fae I am ( I think it's a mix of both) Of what do you dream?: Freedom and Love, two things that should be treasured on the rare occassion they are found together; Of Passion and Knowledge, two things that cannot exist without the other; of Magic and Art, two things that are often one an the same How likest thou our little Glen?: I like it much, though small it is becoming, cozy and warm. How wonderful it is to find kindred spirits! | Comments: |
Celestina Morgana - 12/19/98 08:48:32 My Sex: passionate and frequent Art thou a Fae born soul?: Whether fae born or fae become, fae I am ( I think it's a mix of both) Of what do you dream?: Freedom and Love, two things that should be treasured on the rare occassion they are found together; Of Passion and Knowledge, two things that cannot exist without the other; of Magic and Art, two things that are often one an the same | Comments: |
The Lady Wraith - 12/06/98 00:18:16 My URL: My Sex: Female Art thou a Fae born soul?: Currently meditating on the possibility. Of what do you dream?: Of Lady of Shadow and Lord of Green, of what is not that can be seen, of silken shade and star-filled skies, the passion in a lover's eyes. All of these...more than they seem...sweet mysteries are what I dream. How likest thou our little Glen?: of my favorites! | Comments: Well this is certainly a nice addition! The page is gorgeous keep up all the hard work Sweetlings! Oh and by the by.......EMAIL ME!!!! |
Ish - 11/29/98 13:22:35 My Sex: As long as they don't all find out about each other... Art thou a Fae born soul?: a' course Of what do you dream?: Oy. Currently I've been having a run of nightmares. *sigh* How likest thou our little Glen?: Muchly! | Comments: Keep Dreaming... |
tgif - 11/03/98 20:48:09 My Sex: no offense, but we just met ;) .....Oh, the other meaning...female Art thou a Fae born soul?: prob. related @ least Of what do you dream?: very unusual critters & locations, the sort of things that make people look @ u funny when u try to explain; as a matter of fact my life is sureal; ex: did u ever look @ a chandelier and see a spider-like thing instead? Has t e closet monster stuck around for a couple of decades...and still scared u? Does your life resemble a story out of Charles deLint?? How likest thou our little Glen?: I likest it most well; will there be something new anon? | Comments: Besides congratulating you on a great page, I thought you might like to know that the 'Eliunid' (sp?) link is broken; is this page still in existence? Thanks! =-) |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Timber - 10/19/98 05:59:35 My URL:It's being conjured as we speak. My Sex: Female Art thou a Fae born soul?: No, I am not. Of what do you dream?: Little pixie's to protect me How likest thou our little Glen?: 'Tis beautiful and enchanting | Comments: |
Lady Chelsby - 10/13/98 02:07:58 My Sex: blessedly often Art thou a Fae born soul?: undetermined; methinks not at current time Of what do you dream?: Happiness and harmony amongst all kind How likest thou our little Glen?: Much! | Comments: I wish much happiness to Raven and Borach; Cil and Ashram; and all others whom I met recently. Well met. |
Cindy - 09/25/98 13:06:00 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Raven ("Lady Arilyn") - 09/11/98 02:27:02 My URL: My Sex: When ever I can Art thou a Fae born soul?: Of Course you know that you silly satyr. I am too a satyr Of what do you dream?: pastures of green, running through the woods, hiding in the trees and of kisses from my beloved How likest thou our little Glen?: I think that we did a good job creating this one my dear | Comments: I hope that you continue to grow in everything that you are learning here and I hope to see much more signatures that have learned something new from what lies here in these pages. See ya soon, Love. |
Bella Frehn Roisenruahd - 08/31/98 15:56:05 My URL:not one yet My Sex: Often( whenever I can) Art thou a Fae born soul?: unawakened(but I married one ;) ) Of what do you dream?: Passionate balefire and extazy partiez!!! How likest thou our little Glen?: I hope to dance here yet again. | Comments: When I met and married a satyr,I soul spinned with him. It made me extastick, unbelivably in LOVE with my only satyr that I would ever want or need. Love a nymph!!! BFR BFR BFR BFR BFR BFR@@@ BFR |
Mk'lyr'ly'kyn (aka Cel) - 08/02/98 04:37:28 My Sex: Can You picture Sex with a Dragon? Art thou a Fae born soul?: I dunno, did the wings give it away?!? Of what do you dream?: Of flights over the highest mountains, the eventual return to our homelands, piles of silver, and my Sh'mai, K'synia How likest thou our little Glen?: Tis rather interesting.. | Comments: K'synia, if you read this, MAIL ME!!!! By The Way, Polydorases & Tachorum Dan'Tuin are friends of mine, using my puter, so don't freak at all the new additions.. |
Tachorum Dan'Tuin - 08/02/98 04:28:13 My Sex: None right now unfortunatly, i'm taking offers! Male... Art thou a Fae born soul?: Satyr of course Of what do you dream?: Of life without pain, love without anguish and the best sex this side of the Tir. How likest thou our little Glen?: Tis beatuiful... | Comments: Although i may seem horny and uncouth, i am in fact a hopeless romantic and strangly enough, a monogamous Satyr. But yes, i do enjoy a fling every once in a while. *bows low with a glint of mischief in his eyes* Would you care to join me all you fine la ies? |
Polydorases - 08/02/98 04:22:39 My Sex: male Art thou a Fae born soul?: yea, satyr Of what do you dream?: I dream of the day when myself and my people can return to our homelands. How likest thou our little Glen?: Wonderful | Comments: I didn't realize there were any others of my kind in existance, besides the other in my area (southern Ontario, Canada). You are well met, and I wish you fair skies. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Sileniel - 04/01/98 21:25:58 My URL: My Email:sileniel@* Art thou a Fae born soul?: Aye Of what do you dream?: Of flying through the clouds and trees, and warmer gentle breezes How likest thou our little Glen?: It is always heart warming | Comments: Hi, stopped by again. Thank you for putting my musings on your page :) I hope to see more soon |
infinite.dreamer - 03/30/98 22:27:44 My Sex: femm Art thou a Fae born soul?: yet to be determined Of what do you dream?: flowing rivers and flying in the clouds and living in the woods and being able to sing aloud w/ no self doubt How likest thou our little Glen?: makes me smile out loud....:) | Comments: |
Drianyil - 03/19/98 06:05:28 My URL: My Art thou a Fae born soul?: Somewhat? Of what do you dream?: Hidden places How likest thou our little Glen?: Bunches 'n' bunches | Comments: Thanks for the information on satyrs. I like to learn about Otherkin, and I had not found info like this before. |
Heather Lynn Thomas - 03/04/98 16:13:22 My Sex: None at all (hee hee). Art thou a Fae born soul?: Aye. Of what do you dream?: Of veldts gilded with morning dew and a firm body beside me. How likest thou our little Glen?: Magnifique! | Comments: Hello there gentle sir and good lady! This is new since last I glanced at the site. You shall be pleased to know that this is the first book I have ever signed. Feel both privileged and honored. Merry Meet! |
Micah Joyner - 02/23/98 18:23:27 My Sex: All the Time!!!!!! Art thou a Fae born soul?: Aye, my Lord...I am..the Dragonkind! Of what do you dream?: Everything under the sun and more..Ussually Scotland How likest thou our little Glen?: It's fun to Play in!! | Comments: We'll.....I don't know what to say but...Do you have any sparklies???...I need some more.... |
Sileniel - 02/18/98 15:09:23 My URL: My Sex: mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Art thou a Fae born soul?: Well, there's a loaded question...yes, I'm Faeish.... Of what do you dream?: Freedom and Magjick How likest thou our little Glen?: It's nifty | Comments: Oooh, something for me to scribble on! :) Guestbooks are cool. Good luck on the Glen. *hugs* |