The lyrics to 'On the Other Side'

So you -- work as a -- soldier, -- you sweat and you -- toil
After maming all those -- children, you -- listen to your gun re -- coil
With a -- fever you lie ina -- foxhole, while your -- friends tell dirty -- jokes
N you're too sick to you're -- crying 'cause -- you had t'kill those -- folks

And the -- only thing you've -- earned
Is your -- money, or so you've -- learned
And you -- don't understand -- why
You -- don't understand -- why
-- Don't understand -- Why?
Oh -- Why?

So you -- work as a salesman, -- proud of a -- start
Selling -- suckers in the -- Ghetto, but you -- couldnolonger sell your -- heart
Still didn't have a -- target, and your -- heart was already -- sold
To your -- green idol in your -- wallet -- something "real" you could -- hold.



Now you -- know there's a God in -- Heaven, but -- what are you to -- do?
You've -- heard He loved you so -- very much that He -- sent His Son to die for -- you
But -- even though you sense there's something -- missing in -- side of your very -- life,
You'd still -- rather own your -- own world, yes, -- even if it's in -- strife!

So you've -- worked up from the -- bottom, become -- wealthy and should be -- free
You -- buy the best that -- money can buy and yet you -- say you wanna be like -- me?
'Cause -- I'm not burdened by -- politics and from -- sadness I am -- far, But when I -- tell you that I'm with -- Jesus, you -- cry 'cause of who you -- are...



Copyrighted by Sid Matheson, 1999

I have literally written a whole album consisting of one theme: that Man is seperate and alone, and that Man needs to be in a right relationship with God. This song carries that theme very strongly, but adds hope. Jesus will change us into a family that is united together in our belief in God. I truly believe that there is hope for all of humanity in Jesus -- but not in our futile human efforts. There are no political solutions. Jesus is the only way we can truly find the relationship we need. Perhaps our unreasoning refusal of Him is the indicator of His importance in our lives. The Way is definitely not our way, but it is our only real chance. May God bless and keep you in all of His myriad ways. Sayonara!

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