- Faith comes from action based in trust and verified by the
collection of resulting facts.. (From Josh McDowell and Don
Stewart's article, Is it Reasonable to Believe in Christ?,
page 41)
Nothing in Scripture indicates that faith is equal to foolishness, and much indicates the opposite. "Thou shalt not think" is not one of the Ten Commandments. The Bible exhorts us to use our minds in making decisions about Jesus Christ. Christianity is sensible; it is reasonable, but one does not come to Jesus with the mind alone. Faith must be exercised, yet the faith is based upon facts, not false hope. Today people picture Christian faith as a blind leap into the dark, when it actually is a step toward the light. The Apostle Paul, while defending the Christian faith before and unbelieving king, said, "For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner" (Acts 26:26, KJV).
(From Dennis McCallum's article, How do we know that God exists?, page 46)
The Argument from Design. The presence of design in nature implies that there must be a Creator God. We have to explain how we think the complex world in which we live came into being. Chaos could not have issued forth order and complexity unless someone with purpose and intelligence caused it to. ...
Again, I must reiterate, the strongest evidence against what Dennis McCallum has called 'The Argument from Design' comes from a theory, or speculated principles offered to explain a fact. And theory is no evidence at all. The idea of evolution has long been the moral anchor of atheists who desire to free themselves from the responsibilities handed down to us from God's word. Some very fanciful ideas have developed as a result, and so all seekers after the truth are advised to tread carefully, or as the Japanese say, test the bridge first before you cross over it.
The Prepositional Argument. In order for any worldview to be believable, the conclusions must agree with the presuppositions of that view. Otherwise, the view contradicts itself and is irrational. For instance, certain ways of thinking and acting are inconsistent with the atheistic presupposition that the universe is purely the product of chance plus chaos. ... ..any time we use our reasoning ability to draw conclusions and any time we look at patterns in the universe to discover truth (such as scientific laws), we are affirming by our actions that we already suppose there is a rational basis to the universe. Otherwise, why would we trust anything our rational minds tell us? ... Our actions show that we believe in an orderly and rational basis to the universe. [And] such reasoning.. is consistent with theism, not with naturalism. This reasonable and orderly basis to the universe.. is none other than the reasoning and personal One who created all and is Himself the ground of all being.
The Cosmological Argument. Scientists are now virtually unanimous in saying that the universe is expanding. The movement of stars and galaxies away from each other can be measured.. If we reasoned backwards.. the stars and other matter in the universe must.. have been together in one place. ..the so-called big bang occurred, which sent the stars and galaxies hurtling out from one another as they still are today. What could have caused the big bang? Scientists have entertained the notion of an oscillating universe.. if there is enough mass in the universe, it is possible that the gravitational pull of so much mass will eventually slow and reverse the outward motion... Eventually, the universe would fall back into itself. The energy of so much matter crashing together would cause another big bang, and so forth, for eternity. ... Unfortunately, many astronomers are now becoming convinced that there is not enough mass in the universe to arrest the present momentum and accomplish this oscillation. This means either two things. There [was only] this one big bang. If so, there is no endless sequence of cause and effect extending into the past. ..there would have to be some cause that we cannot imagine or describe based on our knowledge. Whether this unimaginable cause is natural or is God seems to be an even call. Belief in either would have to rest on faith. It would be just as easy to believe.. [it] began in an uncaused cause -- the infinite personal Creator God. On the other hand, it is possible that there is matter in the universe that we have not yet been able to see or measure. This is the view accepted by most naturalists today. This is not belief in the evidence of the senses, but faith in that which will fill the gap and make this worldview tenable. ..blind faith.
May God bless you!!!
** By worlds, I mean world-views, or how we personally see the rules of interactions between ourselves and all else we encounter in the world, and possibly apart from it. In contrast, world means the planet we live on, and World refers to the total interaction of human beings.
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