library   Tutorials

A 4 week class is offered at the Oxnard Public Library at 251 South A Street on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. The first Wednesday of the month will be Introduction to Internet Explorer 5.0: Browser Basics – Getting your feet wet Surfing the Internet , Finding What You Want on the Internet (Searching Part 1): Using Yahoo, AltaVista and the Librarian's Index to the Internet, Finding What You Really Want on the Internet (Searching Part 2): Boolean searching Recognizing Hoaxes, Frauds and Misinformation on the Internet

The BuzzWhack dictionary de-mystifies the language of the net. Beginners Central can help you as will Yahoo's web surfers tutorial. The library tutorials will focus on the use of the Internet as an information resource and the wide variety of ways of accessing that information. They will NOT cover e-mail, listservs, accessing the Internet, web page construction, etc. For Tutorials covering these topics please go to The Library of Congress. This excellent site will guide you and help you explore on the web. Go to the Spider's Apprentice for excellent search help or try the web seaching tutorial at AskScott.

Oxnard Public Library - Fourth Wednesday Handout

Steven Alcorta November 24, 1997

How to evaluate materials on the web.

Does the site have an author? Is there a way to contact them? Is there a source of information about them? Is there information about the company?

When was the site updated? When created? Is there information about the source of the material?

Can you verify the information through other sources?

Watch for the ~, the ~ signifies that an individual has probably paid for the space and the site represents his or her opinions, research, or selection.

Companies frequently treat the Internet as strictly a commercial medium and many web sites reflect this. Like magazines, it is difficult to evaluate the reliability of information given about products which may be sponsored by the producer.

The Internet Detective: an interactive tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet resources at

Evaluating Internet Research Sources at:

Evaluation of Information Sources at

Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources at

There are viruses that can be downloaded from the web. To be prepared visit

There are many hoaxes on the web and via e-mail, especially related to viruses Some excellent web sites to help deal with your questions are:

Urban Legends Reference Pages at

and the Urban Legend Comat Kit

Anti-Virus, Hoax, Myth, Fraud,Chain Letter and Anti-Spam Sites

Internet Fraud Watch Truth about computer virus myths and hoaxes.

The place to stop before you shop

Datafellow Hoax Warnings at

For examples of bogus information try visiting the following two sites: or

The following is some excellent further advice on evaluating materials

Signs that a Web Site may contain Misinformation

Requests or demands for money, especially credit card numbers
Contradictions and internal inconsistencies
Author credentials that do not match subject matter
Errors: spelling, punctuation, grammar, mathematical
Appeals to emotion: flattery, fear messages: language that evokes guilt, sympathy
Opinion markers: words such as could, might, would, believe, "I think", "I heard", assume, etc
Logical fallacies, Oversimplification, Unstated assumptions and Unsupported claims.
"Pass" messages: instructions to pass a communication to other people, a common practice and cause of the spread of hoaxes.
The librarians can help you try to verify information found on the Web through alternative sources of information, remember to use a critical eye when viewing Internet material.
"Triggers" from Mary Ann Fitzgerald "Misinformation on the Internet"Emergency Librarian24(3), 9-14.

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