abstract image   Steve's Eclectic
  Young Adult Links

Cool Site of the Day & Merchants of Cool, Homework

TeenHealth, health and wellness site for teens

Measure 4 Measure calculations done for you, calories, college costs, the counting sheep, etc.

So you're after more than just the movies on the rec page Cochran Interactive

Teen Division Originals, art to homework to zits.

National Basketball Association & ESPNET SportsZone Scores and the rest.

The Art Bell Web Page You thought Delirium was strange...

The Jack Kirby Collection Marvel comics, DC, Fantastic Four, etc.

The Career Interests Game, match your interest and skills with a career

A little tranquility in an arena of electronic rage The art of Haiku poetry. Resources for Anime and Manga, DBZ.

A few web sites of interest; CDNOW, for a wide range of music MTV videos, Go Ask Alice and Teenwire, your questions answered, Love Doesn't Have to Hurt, College Times and Seventeen Magazine.

Hey, you're probably in a library: Kay Vandergrift's 100 and YALSA Booklists , YA Web and a little help in research and the Knowledge Network Explorer.

Homework Guides

Search a Variety of Encyclopedias using Metor , Librarian's Index to the Internet
AJR Newslink - Newspapers & Journals worldwide , Full Text Periodical Search

Centers: Homework Central(Homeworkheaven) , Study Web , Teen Hoopla , High School Hub

AIDSkids BIOGRAPHY Biology-Frogs Breast Cancer CIA World Factbook Ebola Virus
Embassy pages Geography
--US Cities
Greek Mythology Health
History: American Revolution History: Civil War Center
United States/Britain
Ancient & Medieval History: Rome, Athens, Egypt, etc. Math, The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies Merck manual - Medicine
Mythica: Encyclopedia Myths and Legends NASA National Debt Periodic Tables PubMed - 9 million MEDLINE citations
Quotations Science Projects Shakespeare Soon's Historical
Fiction Site
Supreme Court Decisions Tech Know - Cyber-literacy
Teen Division:IPL Teen Page Teens Only! Time 100: Artist, Entertainers... U.S. State Dept. - Background Notes Usenet Discussions

For the students making references The MLA Style Manual, MLA Citation Examples and the APA Style (WEAPAS)

Colleges in the US, Critical Comparisons of American Colleges and Universities
So you want to take a test: ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, Educational Testing Service. The library's own Financial Aid page and Countdown to College Timeline.

Considering the arbitrary and subjective nature of the selection of sites, arbitrary and subjective suggestions are welcome. Reasonable requests will get a reasonable response.

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Please send comments and suggestions to Webmaster at oxnardpl@yahoo.com For more information about the Oxnard Public Library, e-mail the reference staff at oxnardpl@yahoo.com. Create February-21-97 Updated 12 June 01