Oxnard P.L. Catalog
Currently the only method of checking the Oxnard Public Library Catalog online
is below. To check the Ventura Catalog go to: Black Gold, click on Author, Title or Subject. Type in your search, on the results screen click on Ventura Catlog
at the top of the screen and you'll have results for Ventura.
You Need:
A personal computer, a modem & communications software (visit download.com
or Tucows)
set to:
Full Duplex
, 8 Data Bits
, No Stop Bit
, No Parity
To Connnect:
Dial (805) 483-2799
Login: oxpub
password: oxpub1
That's oxpub(one) all in lower case
If you fail to get a login prompt, press return once or twice until you do.
Current Terminal Emulation:
System emulation...vp
Dynix emulation....VIEWPOINT
If this does not match your terminal emulation, type ? ,
and press return to choose the correct emulation.
Your choices will be:
1. Wyse WY-50 (In "ADDSVP" Mode)
2. Wyse WY-30 (In "ADDSVP" Mode)
3. Dec VT100(Universe)
4. VT100
5. Viewpoint, Prism II, Prism IV
6. ANSI standard terminal
7. PK Harmony (in "Regent 60" emulation)
8. Wyse WY-50 (in "WY50" Mode)
9. Wyse WY-50
10. Xwindows (vt 100)
After you make your selection you will be given the option of testing the emulation.
Type Y for "yes" or N for "no" and press return
The first screen you will see is the
Press return to get to the
From here you may search the library's catalog just as you would if you were in the library.
To Log Off
To log off, return to the MAIN MENU and select the corresponding number.
No you may "hang up" your modem.
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Original documentation 9/97. Page created 4/2000 by Steven Alcorta revised 3-10-00.