


Through fund-raising activities, Belleville Area College PBL members earn points which apply toward their expenses to the State Leadership Conference.

Major fund-raising activities include:

Bake Sales
PBL bake sales are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The PBL Chapter earns an average of $100 per bake sale, plus participating members earn 5 points for both working at the bake sale and for bringing baked goods.
Kathryn Beich Candy Sales
Kathryn Beich candy is sold twice a year. Tins and boxes of candy are sold in late fall in time for Christmas. Candy bars are sold in the spring in time for Easter. The BAC Phi Beta Lambda Chapter earns an average of $1,000 per year selling Kathryn Beich candy. The profit that each member earns selling candy goes directly into his/her account for the State Leadership Conference.
College Activities Board Appropriations
Based on their level of activity and service to the school and community, the Belleville Area College Activities Board awards appropriations to the various organizations. The PBL Chapter was awarded $500 per semester for the current year.