¡Hablemos en español! | July 9-13, 2007 | GenerationNExT Summer Class

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Why should I learn Spanish?

First of all, the benefits of being bilingual (knowing 2 languages) are almost endless. Bilingual children have increased self-esteem, improved understanding and acceptance of other cultures and improved ability in learning English. Early exposure to a foreign language any language has been scientifically linked to higher IQ scores, improved English and math scores, a richer vocabulary and even a boost in SAT scores. There is no time like the present to learn second language! Read on...

What should I expect to learn in just 5 days? You may amaze even yourself! You will have conversations in Spanish on the first day, give a weather report, sing songs and even try to catch a criminal by making a good sketch based on a Spanish description!

Learning objectives day by day:

Day 1: Me llamo does not mean I'm a llama! Spanish pronunciation and greetings Students will demonstrate a beginning recognition and use of the correct pronunciation of Spanish words. Students will correctly identify, respond to and begin to use Hispanic gestures. Students will carry on brief conversations using Spanish courtesies.

Day 2: Color by number! Colors and numbers 1-20! Students will identify objects after hearing their colors in Spanish. Students will recognize numbers in Spanish. Students will describe objects according to their color and number.

Day 3: If Barbara has a barba, there's a problem! Describing people Students will identify people according to Spanish descriptions and describe themselves and others in Spanish.

Day 4: Hace calor "weather" you like it or not! Describing the weather Students will correctly identify weather descriptions in Spanish. Students will describe the weather in Spanish and match weather and seasons in Spanish.

Day 5: EveryBODY has a cuerpo! Body parts Studients will identify and name major body parts in Spanish. Students will describe people, using body parts, colors, numbers and other characteristics.


Day one: flashcards, matching and memory games
Day two: flashcards, matching and memory games for colors and numbers | columns 1-10 | columns with colors | FUN colors practice with listening and games
Day three: some extra characteristics – practice with pronunciation, flashcards and matching
Day four: weather practice with pronunciation, flashcards and matching | more weather practice
Day Five: flashcards, matching and memory games | silly face diagram with listening/pronunciation practice | body diagram with listening/pronunciation practice
PowerPoint flashcards: greetings | colors | numbers | descriptions | weather | body parts

Crash course in Spanish pronunciation | Vocabulary list for the week | Greetings song, cartoon, draw cartoon, practice | Color and numbers word search, bingo, dot-to-dot, list for dot-to-dot| Describing people: people to draw | Weather song, book | Body parts songs

Why should I take Spanish? (continued)

Join the crowd! Did you know there are 400 million speakers of Spanish in the world? In fact, Spanish has as many native speakers as English! And you don't have to go far to use your Spanish - the United States has the 5th largest population of Spanish speakers in the world! Estimates are that a quarter of the population will be Spanish speaking by 2050. That means that odds are if you have 3 friends, one will speak Spanish!

Cultural understanding: Learning other languages helps us to understand how other people learn and think. We don't really know how much we rely on our culture to tell us how to see things and how to respond to others, until we meet someone who has grown up in a culture different from ours. We tend to think there's something wrong with them or make judgments about their character - they're loud, lazy, too "in-your-face" - rather than realizing that's how their culture expects them to be. The culture we grow up in is like a pair of glasses that filters everything we see and understand. When you try on someone else's glasses, they make you dizzy at first, but then your eyes start to adjust. Try seeing things from someone else's point of view!

Learning other languages: If you can learn Spanish, you'll have a head start in learning the other Latin-based languages such as French, Italian and Portuguese.

It's easy: Although no language is easy to become fluent in, Spanish is one of the easiest foreign languages to learn. Much of its vocabulary is similar to English's, and once you know how to pronounce letters in Spanish, you'll know exactly how to say almost any word in Spanish!

Getting a job: It pretty much goes without saying that knowing Spanish can get you a great job, whether you're planning on traveling or just working here in Omaha. Whether you want to be a doctor, nurse, lawyer, fire fighter, teacher, police officer or business executive, knowing Spanish can help you get the job over somebody who doesn't and it can also help you get higher pay. Just because I knew Spanish, I got a great job at Mutual of Omaha and was able to only work part time while I was in college, and still live on my own in a nice apartment.

Make new friends:
Because I know Spanish, I have so many friends I never would have met or gotten to know. Hispanic cultures are so warm and friendly. Most Spanish-speaking kids in the United States speak English, too, but how neat is that to be able to talk in Spanish with them? Spanish-speakers are always appreciative of attempts English-speakers make to learn their language. Learning Spanish is a great way to make new and interesting friends!

It's fun:
Whether you enjoy talking, reading, or mastering challenges, you'll find all of them in learning Spanish. It's so cool to be able to speak another language! Maybe that's why kids learn Pig Latin or come up with secret codes of their own. Although learning a language can be work, the efforts pay off quickly when you finally get to use your skills.

Sources: spanish.about.com | imac | cal | * * * * *

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