Hey, don't you have something better to do ???

O.K., so you have decided to avoid doing any productive work at all. I'm proud of you ! Check out these various useless, fun links and have a blast.
(This site is dedicated to several friends ... you know who you are !)

Shakespeare's Complete Works. This should keep you busy for a while.

Travel Advisory from the U.S. State Department. See where you should and should not travel.

The Gap homepage . You can play dress-up here.

Test your IQ.

Another IQ Test.

Stupid Jokes.

T.V. Shows

Scoff if you must, but here are links to some of my favorite T.V. shows.

The Simpson's Trivia Page - test how well you really know the show !

Melrose Place. Past and future episode plots.

Beverly Hills 90210


What are your favorite Procrastination Links ?
Tell me: eeckert@fas.harvard.edu

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