Here are my soccer links

I am a huge soccer fan. My favorite team is Juventus F.C. from Torino, Italy.

Click here to go to Juve's Homepage:

I also whole-heartedly support Maldini's Azzurri, the Italian National Team.

My favorite soccer players all just happen to be Italian, and except for Maldini they have all at some point in their careers played for Juventus (that doesn't mean that I am at all biased, though):Alessandro del Piero , Angelo Peruzzi, Gianluca Vialli , Fabrizio Ravanelli , Roberto Baggio, and Paolo Maldini

Click here for pictures of these amazing gentlemen.

For the best and most up-to-date information on current league standings from all over the world, including all France 1998 information and UEFA standings, go to the Soccer Server. For more information than you will be able to handle (including every goal of every player from virtually everywhere), go to Rete. In an emergency situation, The Daily Soccer will do.

Unless you have a major sattelite dish (if you do, will you marry me ?) or happen to live in New York City, your soccer-viewing options on TV will be rather restricted. Check out what you can see or will miss by checking out the Ultimate Guide to Televised Soccer.

To get added to my mega-cool soccer mailing list, e-mail

If you have issues with my page or don't like my taste in soccer,tell someone else, because I really don't care.

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