Search Engines Title

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Here is an explanation of my symbols:

Indicates that the search engine is broken down into categories. A good example is a search engine like Yahoo! A search engine like this can help find the most relevant sites in a specific subject.
Indicates that the search engine is searched by a keyword. An example of this is a search engine like AltaVista. These search engines contain the most web sites, but it can take some time finding the most relevant sites.
Indicates that the search engine contains both a category and keyword search.
Indicates that the search engine does a meta search. This means that a number of search engines are simultaneously searched, the results are compiled, and then displayed. The results are usually pretty relevant.

Another note about the list: When I say that a search engine searches only German sites, I mean that the only sites it will return will be in German. A few search engines search English sites also and return those. For example, if you search for "Auto" on a German only search engine, you will only receive German language sites. Other search engines could return English sites, since auto is an English word too.

Multimeta - A bilingual search engine. Searches German an English search engines simultaneously.
Lycos Deutschland - Contains lots of web pages.
Crawler - Searches only German sites.
Yahoo Deutschland - Probably the best category search engine out there. Searches only German sites. - Searches only German sites.
Focus - Search the online magazine. Also includes a form to search Excite.
DINO - Searches only German sites.
Spiegel - Search the online magazine. - Web sites are all German and broken down by geography. For example, you can find a list of web sites in Frankfurt. Very nicely done.
Hurra - A search engine exactly like Yahoo! but in German. It also includes a form to search many other German search engines. All sites are German.
Fireball - Another Yahoo! look alike. All sites are in German.
Infoseek Deutschland - Infoseek: German Version.
Search Government Press Releases - includes photos and more.
Web Tip - Search the best web pages of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
MetaGer - A German meta search engine. Select from about 20 search engines to search simultaneously.

Do you know of another search engine that is not listed here and should be?
Or do you have comments or suggestions for this page?
If so, please email me at

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Last updated on September 15, 1999 at 10:28PM ET

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