Reading Materials Title

Animated Book

Literaturmagazine und Projekte - Has many links to German literature magazines.  Links lead to a plethora of German texts.  Excellent site.

Die Bibliothek der Märchen Lots of fairy tales by authors and regions. Authors include:  Anderesen, Bechstein, Grimm, Hauffs, and Storm.  Regions include:  Many from Germany and also other European countries.  Another excellent reading materials site.

Gedichte und Lieder - Many poems and operas.

Die imaginäre Bibliothek

Umneys letzter Fall - A story.  Also includes English version. - More links to magazines, etc.

Kleist - Kleist Archive

Goethe - Goethe stuff.  English.

BiN - Bücher im Netz - Books on the net.

19th Century German Stories - Includes: Max und Moritz, Hans Huckebein. Der Froschkönig, Rumpelstilzchen, and Struwwelpeter (German/English versions and illustrations).

Hölderlin - Works and information on the Poet Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843).

Textwerk - Texterk Editorial Services.  Some german texts to read.

Max und Moritz - Who can forget this classic?  A great story about two wild kids!

Die Ringelschneuze - Quite a few German poems.

Kurzgeschichten - Some short stories.

Fotoroman - A funny comic type thing.

Weihnachtsmärchen in 24 Teilen - Christmas fairy tales in 24 parts.  More German reading!

Luther Bibel - Guess what this site is.  Yep, it's the Bible in German!  This could take a little while to read.....

Nietzsche - A home page about Nietzsche.  English.

Heinz Erhardt Gedichte - Some poems by Heinz Erhardt.

Märchen von Ika Bremer Some fairy tales.  In German, English, and Spanish!

Projekt Gutenberg - This is your one-stop shop for German reading.  It has too many stories to count!

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