LEO German/English Dictionary - Contains over 180,000 entries.
German/English Computing Dictionary - Deals with Keyboard, Word Processing, and WWW terms.
Business German/English Dictionary - A business terms dictionary. The dictionary can be browsed by subject or searched.
Glossar zu EDV-Begriffen - Contains a list of network acronyms and gives the English and most of the time, the German equivalent.
Meyers Lexikon - Das Wissen A-Z - A German encyclopedia containing about 44,000 articles.
Informationen zur Rechtschreibreform - Contains all the new rules for the German language.
The new English/German Dictionary - A dictionary sporting over 180,000 entries.
Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch - Contains over 115,000 entries.

Do you know of another dictionary, encyclopedia, or glossary that is not listed here and should be?
Or do you have comments or suggestions for this page?
If so, please email me at bikdave2@yahoo.com

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