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Missile Combat in the Kingdom of Caid

The Office of the Earl Marshal Home Page

The Combat Handbook - Volume 1 (Heavy Weapons and Marshalling)

The Combat Handbook - Volume 2 (Light Weapons, Combat Archery & Rapier Combat) (Under revision)

The Society Marshal's Handbook - 1994 version

IKCAC Rules (Interkingdom Combat Archery Competition)

Caidan Event Photographs

Heavy Combat ArcheryLight Combat ArcherySiege Weapons and Field ArtilleryOther Missiles

The SCA, Inc Homepage

The SCA Archery Homepage

Combat Archery: A Manual for Western Archers by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf

Fiberglass and UHMW Cored Blunts by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf

Comparison Testing of Plastic Nocks and HTM Anti Bounce Device Back Nocks by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf

On Target Online: An SCA Archery Magazine

SCA Missile Combat, Thrown Weapons, Target Archery and Siege Weapons mailing lists


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Disclaimer: This web site is not an official publication of the Kingdom of Caid nor a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc. and is presented for reference purposes only. The current printed versions of any handbooks, available from the applicable kingdom officers, are the only official sources of this information

Webbed and maintained by Morgan the Fellwalker (Max S Fellwalker
Deputy Earl Marshal for Combat Archery and Siege Warfare, Caid ......... Last updated on 8/23/99