Almont Junior / Senior High School Home Page

VERSION 2.11.980 Revision A.1

As you will notice, this site is extremely outdated.  We are currently reviewing our site design and planning new content and update information, along with hosting options.  Until then, this site will continue to function, and any new news or information will appear on this page.

Notes from the Webmaster

November 21, 2000:

I've removed the music interface, as well as the liquid motion animation to make the site faster.  I'm still waiting for some sort of update information from the high school.  Also, the email settings needed updating, and I've taken care of that as well.  If you've sent any messages recently, and have not received a reply, please send them again. (Sorry about that.)

Another bit of news... we're moving the site off of Geocities and onto our company website... our future web address will be  Please update your bookmarks, as this site is now available at that address.

December 8, 2000:

I've redesigned the site to make loading times faster, navigation simpler, and the colors "pleasing to the eye."  Page loading times are now under 30 seconds over a 28.8 modem (except for the main page, which takes 33 seconds).  Any comments on the redesign are welcome and appreciated!

January 7, 2001:

Welcome to a new year!  Unfortunately, no new information has been submitted for the web site.  The transition to our company website, instead of Geocities, has been a success.  We're seeing faster load times for visitors, and it's a lot easier for me to update the page (well, if I had things to update).  Let me know what you would like to see on the website... just click the link to email the webmaster.

Aaron Hulett - Next Level Computers

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There have been Hit Counter visitors since November 21, 2000. 

If you have a problem with anything on this site, or have comments, please e-mail them to the webmaster.


Designed by Next Level Computers. (c) 1996 - 2001, Next Level Computers, a TPI Company