Constructed Languages
Resources for Constructed Languages (Conlangs)
- The Master List 2449 words for a full vocabulary. Based on the Universal Language Dictionary, Basic English, and Essential Word English.
- The Language Construction Kit Highly recommended. Good points on grammar that you need to consider before getting started.
- Jeffery Henning's Homepage Includes FREE DOWNLOAD of Perseus's LangMaker software. Creates hundreds of words specified to your patterns with a few keystrokes. I've tried it, I love it.
- How to Build a Language Lots of information on history and examples. Check it out.
- Constructed languages Index of conlangs on the web, resources, interesting material on natural languages, and so much more. Really an excellent and extensive site.
- The Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia Me Human, you Alien. Please, for the common good, if you're creating an alien language, read this first.
- Conlang FAQ Articles on phonetics, verb constructions, making questions, etc., etc., ad infinitum. Also a great Introduction to Cases. (Cases are our friends.) Submit original articles.
- The Longman Defining Vocabulary All the words used by dictionary makers to write definitions. Useful for building a vocabulary for your own language.
- Proverbs Every language has sayings or proverbs. Here's a *clears throat* few to get your
mind working.
- The Zompist Phrase Book French and Spanish phrases, but look closely. So it's not constructed language, but it is the second funniest thing I have ever seen. Don't ask.
If you link or have seen a link to this page, please e-mail me and tell me about it.
Some Examples
Yisian, my first attempt. Uncomplicated grammar, moderately extensive lexicon.
Asiteya. Remember Yisian? Well, forget it. I was young and naive. My masterwork to date. ;-)
Tolkien's Languages Everything you could ever want to know about J.R.R. Tolkien's constructed languages.
Constructed languages Index of conlangs
Created 1997 by J. Barefoot. Questions? Comments? E-mail me.
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