Our Administrator, Mrs. Linda Varis
    We are very pleased to introduce our principal, Mrs. Linda Varis.  After many years as a classroom instructor, Mrs. Varis was appointed as Assistant Principal at our high school.  After serving in that capacity for two years, Mrs. Varis was chosen to head our junior high school which houses the 7th and 8th grade students in our unit district.

    She has proven to be an innovative principal by encouraging new methods of instruction in the regular classroom.  She has pioneered our exploratory program to include such courses as Computers, 1st Aid/CPR, Life Skills (dealing with decisions to be made in everyday life), Art, Electronics, Wood Shop, and various others.  Keeping abreast of the new technology our students will need to survive in the world today, she has made computers a required course for all 7th and 8th graders.  This computer technology education is carried on through the high school years.

    Mrs. Varis is presently state director for the Egyptian Region of the IPA (Illinois Principal's Association) and was presented with the prestigious Herman Graves award in 1997.  She is an active golfer and very involved in the life of the community.  The main motto she stresses to our graduating 8th graders is borrowed from the broadway show, "PURLIE"..."Let your dreams be your only boundaries in life!"

    We are pleased and proud to have Mrs. Linda Varis as the principal of Central Junior High School.