Research Facts
September, 1997
Washington County, Tennessee
County Fiscal Capacity Indicators Rank Washington Co. State Avg.
Per pupil fiscal capacity 1997-98

9 of 95

$ 1,791

$ 1,140

Per capita state sales tax collections 1996

    12 of 95

$ 688

$ 697

Assessed property value per student ADM 1995-96

13 of 95

$ 63,451

$ 61,570

Percent change in assessed property value 1994-95

58 of 95

3.5 %

4.3 %

Estimated current property value pre student ADM 1995-96

    10 of 95

$ 248,653

$ 219,252

Percent change in estimated current property value 1994-95

4 of 95

20 %

8.5 %

Per capita personal income 1994

15 of 95



Percent change in per capita personal income 1984-94

33 of 95

79.3 %

78.8 %

Percent change in per capita personal income 1993-94

64 of 95

4.6 %

5.4 %

Mean effective buying income per household 1996

25 of 95

$ 28,145

$ 29,055



County Fiscal Effort Indicators


Washington Co.

State Avg.

Total property tax 1996

83 of 95

$ 2.22

$ 2.78

General purpose school tax rate

83 of 95

$ 0.86

$ 1.28

Percent school tax is of total tax rate1996

71 of 95

38.74 %

45.33 %

Effective general purpose school tax rate 1996

81 of 95

$ 0.86

$ 1.19



School System Fiscal Effort Indicators


Washington Co.

State Avg.

Local revenue per student ADM 1995-96

33 of 139

$ 1,822

$ 1,899

Current expenditures per pupil ADM 1995-96

72 of 139

$ 4,345

$ 4,713

Ranking of scheduled Bachelor's minimum salary1996-97

49 of 139

$ 24,346

$ 24,075

Ranking of scheduled Bachelor's maximum salary 1996-97

51 of 139

$ 30,138

$ 30,365

Ranking of scheduled Master's minimum salary 1996-97

35 of 139

$ 26,836

$ 26,201

Ranking of scheduled Master's maximum salary 1996-97

40 of 139

$ 34,229

$ 33,141

Ranking of scheduled MA + 45 minimum salary 1996-97

25 of 139

$ 29,265

$ 28,153

Ranking of scheduled MA + 45 maximum salary 1996-97

37 of 139

$ 36,638

$ 35,233

Ranking of scheduled EdS minimum salary 1996-97

31 of 139

$ 29,776

$ 28,825

Ranking of scheduled EdS maximum salary 1996-97

37 of 139

$ 37,149

$ 35,856

Ranking of scheduled PhD minimum salary 1996-97

15 of 139

$ 32,661

$ 30,709

Ranking of scheduled PhD maximum salary 1996-97

26 of 139

$ 40,672

$ 38,106

Average salaries of classroom teachers 1996-97

38 of 139

$ 33,320

$ 34,266

Average salaries of instructional staff 1996-97

40 of 139


$ 35,598

Average salaries of licensed personnel 1996-97

39 of 139

$ 34,331

$ 35,757

Average salaries of principals 1996-97

49 of 139

$ 51,256

$ 54,481

Superintendent salaries


$ 77,250

$ 71,476

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