WCEA LogoWashington County Education Association
Post Office Box 334, Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
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Letter from the Past President


Vicky Jones (Fall Branch), President
Virginia Crouch (Sulphur Springs), Vice President
Ardis Sue Stafford, Secretary
Ida W. Shur, Treasurer
Claudia W. Lee, Parliamentarian
Dorothy Blankenship, Board of Directors
Betty D. "Beth" Kiser, Past President and PR and R Chair
This site is provided as a service to teachers and the community.
Check back frequently for updated information.
Updated December 22, 1999.
National Education Association
Tennessee Education Association


Selections from remarks made by Mike Wallace, a youth minister in Orrville, Ohio, upon returning from Promise Keepers Standing in the Gap Assembly in Washington, DC, and shared with us by WCEA President Beth Kiser:

"I need to spend less time on my soapbox and more time on my knees...On my soapbox I am king, but on my knees the view is a little different. An amazing transition occurs when you put your face to the ground before God."

"I should worry less about the policies of the White House and pray more for those who live in my house."

"I need to raise my voice less, and raise my hands more...A lifted voice can bring glory to the one doing the talking...but lifted hands reach out in need."

"I must never be so arrogant as to think that my salvation is in any way a result of something I've done."

"I have to remember who the real enemy is."

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