Roget's Thesaurus
US Address and ZIP Code Information
Canadian Postal Code and US Zipcode lookup
Canada White Pages - find anyone by last name.
World's Commercial Phone Books
Phone Books on the WEB
World University & Institutions Phone Books
Webster's Dictionary hypertext version
Logos Multi-Lingual Dictionary
French-English Dictionary
Japanese/English Dictionary Gateway and
German/English Dictionary and
Japanese / English Dictionary (Needs latest Netscape)
Chinese (Needs latest Netscape)
Foreign Languages for Travellers
Roget's Thesaurus []
The Skeptic's Dictionary
ARTFL Project: ROGET Form
Grammar and Style Notes
The Elements of Style by William Strunk
CIA Publications
CIA World Factbook, 1996
Pharmaceutical Database
Canadian Science Web
Weights and Measures
U.S. Patent information (try
The World Lecture Hall
National Weather Forecast
Maps on the World Wide Web
International weather - major cities and
world image
The Desk Reference: Calculators On-Line - Calculators for anything and everything.
Study Strategies Home Page Do you ever get the feeling that youre just not studying the right way? Go to this site for advice and lots of self-evaluation tests. This site includes test-taking strategies, time management, memory techniques, and more.
Study Tips for High School Students Dozens of study tips for high school students. A great place to check out if you want to improve your study habits.
The Memory Page Lots of information about how memory works and how you can improve your memory.
Using the Internet to do Research. This site has an especially good section on evaluating the information you find on the web. This is a VERY IMPORTANT issue for students! Theres also information on different ways to get the information you want from the Internet.
John Bartletts Familiar Quotations - From many famous people and books. A Great, free online encyclopedia.Ý
MLA Bibliographic Citation Form Guide - How to write a bibliography.
Citing Online Sources - If youre using the Internet to do research you should definitely know how to cite the sources you find!
Beyond the MLA Handbook - Another site about citing online sources.
A Guide to Writing Research Papers How to gather information, write outlines, cite sources, write bibliographies, and more!
Date & Time Related
- Calendar - A dumb little calendar, but kind of useful.
- Current time - Find out the current time in a variety of time zones.
History & Geography Related
- Infonation - A resource that provides up-to-date statistics on the member states of the United Nations. If you are involved in MUN (Model United Nations) this is a great, great site. It makes information gathering almost too easy!
- Newspapers - Lots of newspapers from all over the world.Ý
- Geographic Name Server - Search for information about a specific geographic location.Ý
- Maps - A map you can zoom in and out on, nothing is labeled though.Ý
Science Related
- Conversion of Units - Convert units, in English or German.Ý
- More Conversion of Units - A hint: after typing quantity into the first field put your cursor in the second field. If you dont, the results wont display. Convert temperatures, lengths, weight, or volume.
- Radioactive Decay Calculator - A useful tool for checking the amount of an element left after an amount of a radioactive element has been decaying for a specified amount of time.