Welcome to 'my page!
This is my latest
page(my last one constructed
being our school's in late '97) and I'm a bit
rusty(my god! i'm used an
... Anyway i'm gettin' back into the game and i
wouldn't mind comments/constructive criticism/help about my layout or
my content.
Meanwhile you can check out some of my
writings(most written about a year or more ago..., and personal but
then again you don't know me so ;-/)
just setting up and probably won't update this page more than once a
month(if i'm lucky), so it'll take a while for ALL THOSE SUGGESTIONS
to take effect.
... If you've been wondering who's been rambling
on and on to no end, thats me!!!
My name is Craig Anthofer; i'm a 17 yr old junior
in a little town in western Iowa. i'm
bored and can't think to do anything but mess around on the computer,
usually hobby hacking, for fun. This has resulted in my CB
handle(Hacker), and my ID on some web services(mac_hacker), though
it's not always the results you want.
my rep has gotten me into trouble because teachers
associate me with their computer problems(the opposite is more true,
i often fix computers 'cause other kids/teachers mess 'em up, before
i work on them)
... Anyways i learn to live with it because the
more PC skillz you have the better(in my humble opinion), AND the
BETTER COMPUTER you work with the better your SKILLZ are. And the
best(in a very objective opinion) is
Well, more will follow soon.....
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