Love is The Law! Love Under Will!

I have recently become involved with the OTO. I am fortunate that there is a wonderful Thelemic Lodge within two miles of my humble abode. I have been attending the Sunday Masses, and I find that the group gives me a sense of peace and family that helps me prepare for a hectic work week. One of the many reasons I am attracted to this tradition is the fact that the Egyptian pantheon is the primary pantheon. The ancient Egyptians were very powerful, and to be able to celebrate the gods among others who feel as I do is a great blessing.

I will not even begin to comment on Crowley's teachings at this point. I have read very little, and am trying to work my way through his autobiography "Confessions." My current opinion of the man is that he was an incredible genius with a huge streak of rebellion running through him. His ability to write on several different levels, and his understanding of the Kabahlah amaze me. I hope to learn more about the man and his ways, as I progress in my OTO teachings. I do want to make one opinion of mine very clear though. I do not believe that Thelema=Crowley. The OTO was greatly influenced by the man, but the religion has a life of its own. I respect and appreciate them both, but I do seperate them.

Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law