Merry Meet, Welcome to my World

May your journey be all that you desire.

Hello I'm Dealan-dè.

I hope to make this page a resource for pagans across the world. I'll be posting my ideas, views, likes/dislikes and anything else I can think of. Eventually I'd like to have links to other websites that I feel are important to the craft.

Currently I am involved in three different aspects of the craft. I am a founding member of an eclectic woman's study circle named the MoonBabes. We are currently studying out of Ariadne's Thread by S. Mountainwater. We will be bonding as a coven when we are through with the year and a day cycle. We are located in the San Francisco Bay area, and consider ourselve eclectic, but with a Reclaiming background. I also attend OTO masses, but am not a temple member. I am learning what I can about the group, and may choose to join in the future. I have most recently begun studying with a group called the Circle of Ashtoreth. They apeal to me because they strongly believe in a balance in the female and male energies of a group. I can't wait to learn more from them.

I am interested in all pantheons, but I have special affinities to the Celtic, Eygptian, and Hindu pantheons. My matron and patron dieties are both celtic. Click on the Greenman at top to view my page dedicated to him. Coming soon, a page on the lovely Danù. Visit my links page to visit the website for the Irish band named after her.


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These lovely eyes belong to my cat Porthos.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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