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Welcome to the Unofficial Macau Pui Ching Middle School Gradulated Students' Information Page. This page is specialized for those who have already gradulated from Pui Ching Middle School, as a way to keep in touch with their classmates and have an idea where your classmates are right now. I hope this page can help you to find out your classmates' properly current information like email address or icq number, etc. In order to maintain this page as an intermediate step to your long-term classmates, please help to fill out the form located below so that other classmates would be able to contact you more easily and conveniently.
**Announcement **
Apr. 15, 2001 Ecircle has been shut down, we are currently looking for a new place to continue the service, please come back later for latest announcement.
Jan. 01, 2001 A page that is truly belonged to our classmates, join us at Pui Ching Middle School Ecircle 95'
Jan. 01, 1998 Next time you visit this page, you can use this address: http://come.to/puiching
Gradulated In 1995
Left In 1992 (Form 2)
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
³¯ ¼z ¶² Chan, Wai Man (Maria) | 6mwmc@qlink.queensu.ca | 13227721 |
±i «a ±j Cheong, Kun Keong (Chris) | kcheon1@po-box.mcgill.ca | 12154656 |
Left In 1993 (Form 3)
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
¿½ ¿o ªY Siu, Wing Yan (Winifred) | bluegal3@hotmail.com | 15458652 |
Left In 1994 (Form 4)
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
®} ¥ú Ä£ Choi, Kong Iu (William) | bbearking@go.com | 87307464 |
Wong, Cheng Na (Anna) | biiii@aicom.com | 2749258 |
Gradulated In 1995 (Form 5)
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
¬x ¤l «i Ansjory, Chi Iong | ansjory@cory.eecs.berkeley.edu | 2464891 |
°Ï ¤O ¦æ Ao, Lek Hang (Philip) | lek@macau.ctm.net | 12702863 |
³¯ §Ó «i Chan, Chi Iong | u8502084@cc.kmc.edu.tw | 15715079 |
³¯ ®e ¶Q Chan, Iong Kuai (Alex) | alexcik@yahoo.com.hk | 32237622 |
³¯ ·q ¯ª Chan, King Cho | b960538@umac.mo | |
Chan, Kuon Leong (Mobing) | gary_ckl@yahoo.com | 15091510 |
Chan, Mai Mei | crystal202@hotmail.com | 45786456 |
³¯ ²Ð ®¦ Chan, Siu Yan (Patrick) | siu_yan@yahoo.com | |
¾G ªé ¼z Cheang, Chi Wai (Suki) | suki_cw@yahoo.com | 20503032 |
¾G ¦t °a Cheang, U Hin | gt4870a@prism.gatech.edu | 6661129 |
¾G ¦t §Ó Cheang, U Chi | angus00@hotmail.com | 3094278 |
¦À ¤ë ©ú Chi, Ut Meng | twins1617@hotmail.com | 31080637 |
´¿ ¤å ¤s Chiang, Man San (Sunny) | f2485505@sparc5.cc.ncku.edu.tw | |
»¯ ¬Â ¬Â Chio, Leng Leng (Cathy) | cathy_chio@hotmail.com | 18148997 |
»¯ »Ô ¤s Chio, Man San (Jimmy) | vchio@hotmail.com | 3619245 |
Choi, Wai Man (Mandy) | manchoi@ipoline.com | 10537318 |
ÉÜ ±j Chong, Keong(Byron) | b5401132@ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw | 4239216 |
¦¶ ·¸ îÜ Chu, Iat Lao (Billy) | iat_lao@yahoo.com | 10423469 |
Áé §Ó ¦¿ Chung, Chi Kong (David) | u8516122@cc.nctu.edu.tw | 19118127 |
ÀN «l ¾W Fok, Keng Fong (Agulos) | agulos@yahoo.com | 18800916 |
¤è °· ÄP Fong, Ken Pong (Paulo) | u8513124@cc.nctu.edu.tw | 1601255 |
¦ó °· ¥Ã Ho, Kin Wing (Brian) | brian_ho@mailexcite.com | 3684570 |
¦ó ¤å º~ Ho, Man Hon (Curtis) | mcho@leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu | 2657756 |
¥C çÄ ·½ Iao, Fok Un | b5502151@ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw | 551077 |
·¨ ¥H ùÚ Ieong, Yee Hang Paulo (Barry) | pieong@aicom.com | 2911935 |
°ª ¨ô ®p Kou, Antonio (Toni) | a_kou@hotmail.com | |
ñK ¶i ª¾ Kuong, Chon Chi (Mariana) | mkcc211@hongkong.com | 46907604 |
¾¤ ¥ú °¶ Lai, Kuong Wai (Jove) | weiwei39@macau.ctm.net | 1745578 |
ªL ¬Õ¬Õ Lam, Ieng Ieng | ienglam@students.uiuc.edu | |
ªL °· ¨¹ Lam, Kin Pong (Louis) | k13lam@acs.ryerson.ca | 12058745 |
ªL ¯ô ¼ä Lam, Penny | penny@macau.ctm.net | 2418755 |
¼B ¾å «Â Lao, Hio Wai (Isabella) | hwlao@ou.edu | |
¼B ¯ï »Ì Lao, Joseph (Caesar) | josephlm@ms27.hinet.net | 37990363 |
¼B ¶® ¼z Lao, Nga Wai | joycepan@macau.ctm.net | |
¼B ¤å Â@ Lau, Man Chun (Jeffrey) | laum@medicine.wustl.edu or manchunlau@hotmail.com | 3351082 |
Lau, Tak Cheong (Larry) | larryltc@hotmail.com | 25133553 |
ù «³ Às Law, Iek Long | law@macauweb.com | |
§õ ¼C Áo Lei, Kim Chong | hoi@macau.ctm.net or b960332@umac.mo | 1119113 or 15151859 |
§õ °¶ »¨ Lee, Wai Ho (Tommy) | tommy0311@hatmail.com | 6795341 |
¾G µØ ¦¨ Li Leung Luis Alberto (Fatcow) | h961801@umac.mo | |
ù ´¼ ¼z Lo, Chi Wai (Cherry) | lochiwai@163.net | 32824511 |
Loi, Choi Ha (Joanne) | b960335@umac.mo | 3336688 |
³° ¥ü ©v Lok, Sio Chong (Abby) | siokk@yahoo.com | 46384554 |
³° ¤¦ «C Lok, Tan Cheng (Stella) | tancheng.lok@utoronto.ca | 6666643 |
±ç °û »ö Leong, Un I (Dian) | b5404038@ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw | 19997829 |
±ç Åé ·½ Leung, Jackie | b5209036@ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw | 4777546 |
Ma Chon Tat | ma123abc@hotmail.com | 82652705 |
³Á «l ¤à Mak, David | kingkuoh@hotmail.com | 404137 |
Á[ ®a ä¡ Miu, Ka Yan (mm) | mmmmmmmmmmm@hotmail.com | 42583406 |
²ö ´º ·s Mok, Keng San | d961736@wkg1.umac.mo | |
§d ¥É Åv Ng, Iok Kun (Tony) | 10960381@wkg1.umac.mo | 43307781 |
§d ¦Ê «í Ng, Pak Hang (Mike) | mikeng@macau.ctm.net | 3601817 |
O, Hok Meng | masitdda@yahoo.com | 5336120 |
´^ ¬Ã ¯ô Pang, Chan Ian (Jenny) | b960568@umac.mo | 1836627 |
¼ï ¦t Áo Pun, I Chung (Mario) | ichung.pun@utoronto.ca | 3540366 |
¼ï ¶ ªÛ Pun, Nga Chi | b960524@wkg1.umac.mo | |
Ĭ °· ¶² So, Kin Man (Kimmy) | skm@macau.ctm.net | 3067805 |
¾H ³Í ªY Tang, Hoi Ian | alice_tans@yahoo.com | |
¶À ³Í ªY | s8538040@mail.nchu.edu.tw | |
¶À ½« ³ó Wong, Antonio | antoniow@eniac.seas.upenn.edu | 265443 |
¶À ÀR ®R Wong, Cheng Na (Anna) | biiii@aicom.com | 2749258 |
¤ý ¼z ±Ó Wong, Wai Man (Mosquito) | b960508@wkg1.umac.mo | 2740334 |
¶À ¥Ã »¨ Wong, Wing Ho (Chesky) | b970352@umac.mo | 10414800 |
J ¤å Às Wu, Man Long (Tommy) |
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Gradulated In 1996
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
Kan, Annice | annicekan@hotmail.com | 17654031 |
Lao, Cheng Teng (Bonnie) | bonnielao07@icqmail.com | 34181620 |
¼B ©ú ¼z Lau, Cristina Ming Wai (Tina) | tina@macau.ctm.net | 15294193 |
Wong, Kuok Wau (Alex) | alkwong@ic.sunysb.edu |
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Gradulated In 1997
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
Wong, Cheok Kuan (Connie) | Wongcd@bc.edu | |
¶À ¹F ¸R Wong, Tat Kei (Andy) | andy168@usa.net | 24927388 |
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Gradulated In 1998
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
Lam, Meng (LE) | lelams3c@hotmail.com or bg26548@binghamton.edu | |
Leung, Shuk Pong (Edward) | edward31@poboxes.com | |
Lok, Cheng | naomilok@yahoo.com or naomilok@hotmail.com | 21530303 |
Wong, Steven | steven_wong@lords.com | 4867513 |
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Gradulated In 1999
Classmates' Names |
Email Address |
ICQ# |
Kenny (Fat Roy) | fatroy@hotmail.com | 8432637 |
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Recent updated: 01/06/01
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