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CAT Tracks for April 21, 2009
In the year 2525, If man is still alive, If Cairo can survive...
Maybe Cairo School District Number One will quit crying broke and give its remaining three teachers a pay raise.
Why three, you say?
Well, I'm glad you asked!
Since CSD #1 refused to pay competitive salaries, all the other teachers either retired...or they resigned to go to greener pastures. Since the pay in Cairo was so low compared to other Districts - thousands and thousands of dollars lower - new teachers refused to come to Cairo.
Until there were three...
These three remaining teachers - one per attendance center - are termed "Super Teachers", not that the Board of Education thinks they are great by any means. I mean they are teachers, after all...not worthy of the BOE's respect.
No, the remaining three teachers are called "super" because it is their job to supervise the substitute teachers that have been employed on a permanent basis to fill otherwise empty classrooms. They were the only people who would work for nickels and dimes...okay, $70 per day.
Actually, a few were able to make out like bandits in the beginning...going to $85 per day after they had worked 15 consecutive days in the same classroom. However, the Superintendent stepped in and instituted a strict ROTATION of substitute personnel every two weeks so that the substitute teachers would remain at the more fiscally responsible $70 per day.
For that financial ingenuity, the Superintendent was rewarded with a one-week, all-expenses-paid trip PER MONTH to any city of his choice in the 48 contiguous states. (This is in addition to the one-month, all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii that the Superintendent receives every summer since he complained that the cold weather in Cairo and the location of Highway 51 was interfering with his golf game.)
Okay, I guess I should stop with the dripping sarcasm. It ain't really that bad...yet.
However, it's going to get there if the Cairo FOP and the Cairo BOE don't climb down off their one-trick pony and get real about the finances of Cairo School District Number One.
BOTTOM LINE: The negotiations session that was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 21st, has been cancelled. The negotiations session that was "carved in stone" for Monday, May 4th, has been cancelled.
Now don't get me wrong...we ain't done yet. We plan to return to the table...hopefully soon.
This one-note song of being broke...declining student enrollment...declining local tax base...well, it's deja vu, all over again.
The Cairo Board of Education played that song to death in 2002...belting it out with great gusto as they jumped off the cliff, forcing teachers to walk out on strike.
As noted previously in the pages of CAT Tracks, THAT sour note resulted in the "bankruptcy" of Cairo School District Number One. Oh, they did not actually go bankrupt, but their throwing away of over $500,000 caused the State of Illinois to call a meeting at Shawnee Community College - with CAT representatives present to observe. At that meeting, ISBE officials told the Cairo Superintendent and attending BOE members that their decision to close the schools and not make up the days missed was a "bad decision" and placed the District in danger of bankruptcy. ISBE officials advised the Cairo BOE to request a "take over" by a Financial Oversight Panel - FOP...which they reluctantly did.
(Incidentally, the BOE's paid attorney is the one who advised them to close and not reopen the schools...and bragged about it in the newspaper. Yes...the Cairo BOE, as usual, paid for bad advice that cost them dearly. Talk about throwing good money after bad!)
Three years later, we thought that maybe an expensive lesson had borne fruit...that the BOE had finally learned from their past blunders.
In the negotiations of 2005, the BOE did NOT "play that old song". No, the Superintendent of that time (Dr. Sam Harbin) cultivated the trust of the CAT in the months leading up to negotiations...demonstrating through actions, that he was a man of his word. So, when he presented the CAT with a reasonable salary proposal (without any previous nickel and diming), CAT accepted...without even making a counter proposal. The offer was seen as fair...so CAT accepted.
In fact, in 2005, we had a total of like 5 meetings, and THAT may be over-stating the case. This year...31 meetings and counting!
The residents of Cairo never even knew that the two sides were negotiating...it was that calm...it was that quiet...and it was productive! Both sides ratified the new contract in May 2005...3 months before it expired!
This year...
Well, strike that...can't even say "this year!
CAT sent a letter asking to bargain in February 2008. When we didn't get a response, CAT sent another letter in May 2008. Since the end of May 2008, the aforementioned 31 meetings...with no end in sight.
And worst of all...because we are patient CATs and willingly subject ourselves to constant abuse and rejection in an effort to finally win the "logic argument"...worst of all, the BOE is following the failed, disastrous "game plan" of 2002, ignoring the successful approach of 2005.
Damned good question...for which CAT has no answer!
For years and years and years, the Cairo BOE and Superintendents (with the exception of Dr. Sam Harbin) have sung that sad old song..."How broke we are, how broke we are, nobody knows how broke we are"...a song that does NOT stand the test of time.
Over the past 3 years, Cairo School District Number One has gone through the same pattern of declining enrollment and declining local tax base that it cries about now. According to the BOE and Superintendent...the sky is falling, the sky is falling.
In response, I'm tempted to use the "F-Word"...especially since I have learned that the use of that word is acceptable to the Cairo Board of Education at its open meetings!
Oops...more sarcasm. Excuse me!
Let me clarify that apology...
Excuse me if I am not sorry for being sarcastic. Thirty-one unproductive negotiations sessions will do that to a person!
However, I shall restrain myself and make the following polite observations:
A growing bank account, an influx of federal dollars, and FOUR (4) UNIONS which have been working without a contract since June 30, 2008.
$3.3 million in the bank, another half-million on the way, and District officials cry broke. (For reference purposes...back in 2005, when Dr. Sam Harbin quietly settled contracts with these same four unions, the District had maybe $2.5 million in the bank and no extra money on the way!)
CAT knows the history...tries to learn from the mistakes of the past...tries to follow proven paths of success. CAT looks to the mutual success of 2005...when both sides profited from a collaborative venture.
Unfortunately, the BOE seems damned and determined to fall back to the failed agenda of 2002...to repeat the mistakes of the past.
The Financial Oversight Panel?
The FOP has remained aloof from the fray. They of all people should know the danger of the BOE's position. It is the very position that brought them to Cairo...to oversee an out of control school district! One would hope that the FOP would not sit idly by and allow events to once again spiral out of control and destroy the financial success that the District has enjoyed during the past six years.
In 2002, there was an atmsphere of distrust in the District, BOE members were overtly confrontational, even circulating flyers calling teachers pimps.
In 2005, there was an atmosphere of trust in the District...the Superintendent was overtly collaborative, soliciting CAT input and support.
In 2008-2009, there is again an atmosphere of distrust in the District...the Superintendent has been overtly confrontational, denying CAT members rights guaranteed under the contract, raising suspicion about his intent to abide by a new contract.
How will 2008-2009 end?
Another damned good question!
Unfortunately, my sense of optimism has all but disappeared. At one point in time, I had convinced myself that this would work...that nobody in their right minds would take a chance on repeating the history of 2002. However, all the signs are there. It is clear that the BOE does not see paying its employees (except the Superintendent!) as one of its priorities...only a necessary evil.
You know what I saw as a sure "sign"?
The "paper chase"!
That's where Cairo School District Number One further demeans its teachers by making them beg, borrow, or buy paper to run off student assignments or tests. That's always one of the bargaining-year ploys...to "prove" how broke the District is..."We can't even afford paper!"
Cairo School District Number One can't afford to buy paper, but they can finance the trip to Atlanta for the Superintendent and a BOE member...at a cost of over $4,000. You can buy a ream of paper (500 sheets) at Staples for $2.50. The Atlanta trip alone would have bought 1,600 reams of paper...160 cases of paper!
But, AGAIN...
Officials of Cairo School District Number One have their priorities...and it ain't students and it ain't employees!
DISCLAIMER: Any negative references to the Cairo Board of Education should not be applied to the two newcomers - Artie McBride and Charlene Vaughn. They were not there in 2002, 2005, or 2008-09. Anyone is entitled to a grace period, a "honeymoon period", if you will. Hopefully, the two new members will be open-minded as they approach their duties, will ask questions to become informed, will seek input from all parties, and will vote their consciences.