Hershman R. John          Navajo Author/Teacher

Hershman John, 1998 Tempe, Arizona 85281


Master of Fine Arts(May 1998)
Creative Writing: Poetry
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Aiming to become a published writer of poetry and fiction,
and a competent professor of creative writing, composition,
and Native American poetry and literature.

Bachelor of Arts (May 1995)
English (Creative Writing and
American Indian Studies emphasis)
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona


ASU Maroon & Gold Scholar, 1990-91
ASU Dean’s List, Summer 1993,
Spring 1994, Fall 1994, Spring 1995
ASU American Indian Institute,
Summa Cum Laude Graduate Achievement,
academic year 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997- 98
Patricia Roberts Harris Fellow 1995-96, 1997-98
ASU Printer Devils Essay Contest Spring 1997
Teacher of Essay Winning Student: Bill Cunningham,
Winner of English 101 Profile Essay--
“The Wedding Chapel of Mesa”

Teaching Experience

Department of English
Arizona State University
Teaching Assistant, Fall 1996-present
(Composition: ENG 101, 102;
Composition: Rainbow Sections of ENG 101, 102--
English sections specifically designed
for Native American students;
Creative Writing:
ENG 210, 217--poetry/personal & exploratory writing)
American Indian Institute Summer Bridge Program
Arizona State University
English Tutor, Summer 1994, 1995

Arizona School for the Arts
214 E. Willetta, Phoenix, Arizona
Internship Teaching, Fall 1995
(A teaching experience for young elementary students
where creative writing was taught once a week)

Fountain Hills High School
Fountain Hills, Arizona
Internship Teaching, Spring 1996
(A teaching experience for Native American
High School students
where creative writing was taught once a week)

Speaking--Consultant Experience, Papers Presented, Conferences
Attended, University Activities and Community Acitivities

Presentation, “Who am I, Who are You?”,
for Danielle Le Fluer’s high school English class,
Marcos De Niza High School,
November 12, 1992

National Public Broadcasting Service
videotaping of Native Images writing group,
A Writers Exchange Program #6:
Starting a Collaborative Writing Group,
Tempe, AZ, October 13, 1994

Presentation reading poetry,
for Dr. Laura Tohe’s Native American Literature class,
ASU, April 14, 1995

Presentation reading poetry,
for Dr. Laura Tohe’s
“Words, Stories, Voices” class,
ASU, April 20, 1995

Guest Presenter, “Writing and Teaching Similarities,
Rather than Differences,”
for the Southwest Native Writers Festival
“Stories and Words from Within the Four Mountains,”
Chile, AZ, October 6, 1995

Guest Presenter, “Writing and Teaching Similarities,
Rather than Difference by Using the Queenie Principle,”
for Greyhills Academy High School’s
“Dine Native American Drama and Fine Arts Festival” Conference,
Tuba City, AZ, April 17-20, 1996
Poetry Judge,
for Greyhills Academy High School’s
“Dine Native American Drama and Fine Arts Festival” Conference,
Tuba City, AZ, April 17-20, 1996

Panel Member, for American Indian Institute
new incoming Freshman students Orientation,
ASU, August 20, 1996

Presentation/Poetry Reading,
for Tailene MitreVics’
summer school English/History class,
Marcos De Niza High School,
June 10, 1996

Guest Presenter with Laura Tohe,
“Native American Teachers and Students in the Classroom,”
for English Department’s “Ethics in the Classroom:
the Dynamics of Diversity” series,
ASU, February 11, 1997

Presentation, “How to Read Navajo Poetry,”
for the 27th Popular Culture Association Conference,
San Antonio, Texas, March 27, 1997

Poetry Reading,
“A Strong Male Rain,”
for Inaugural opening of “Our Indians”
Multi-media Presentation
continuing April 10-May 10, 1997,
Step Gallery, Tempe, AZ, April 10, 1997

Panel Member, for American Indian Institute
new Freshman students Orientation,
ASU, August 21, 1997



Field, Trish.
ASU, April 1994

Clark, Diane.
Thesis/Dissertation “Navajo University Students and the Maintenance of Ancestral Tongue,”
ASU, March 1995

Springer, Waltraud.
Dissertation, ASU & Germany,
April 1996
Simone, Emma.
“Native-American Students: from Reservation to Higher Education,”
State Press, ASU,
Monday, March 24, 1997


Review of The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven,
by Sherman Alexie.
Exploration in Sights and Sounds. 15 (Summer 1995): 28.

Short Fiction

“Grandmother Lefthand.” HayoolKaal. Ed. Luci Tapahonso. University of Arizona Press.


“A Weaver’s Words,” “Wooden Duck.” Native Images: The Heart’s Vision. The Complete Press, 1992: 17-8, 37.

“The Goose and the Black Bird,” re: “Grandmother Moon,” “Red Wind.” Wicazo Sa Review. University of California, Davis 6.1 (Spring 1993): 52-5.

“Coyote’s Eyes,” “Grandmother Moon.” Expedition. The University of Pennsylvania Museum 37.1 (1995): 42-5.

“Spider Woman’s Children.” Journal of Navajo Education. Dine College, Tsaile XIV, No 1/2 (Fall 1996 & Winter 1997): 3.

“How To Read Navajo Poetry.” GENERATIONS Our People Say. . . Williams Unified School District, Connections Leadership Project, 1997.

“The Dark World,” “Two Bodies of Elements.” Hayden’s Ferry Review. Arizona State University, Tempe 22 (Spring/Summer 1998).

re: “Wooden Duck,” American Indian Studies. Ed. Elizabeth Hoffman Nelson and Malcolm A. Nelson. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. 1998.

“The Stars Remember,” re: “Wooden Duck.” HayoolKaal. Ed. Luci Tapahonso. University of Arizona Press. 95-96, 1996-97, 1997-98

Vita, page 2

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web site created by John Nesbit.


Email Mr. John at Hershman.John@pcmail.maricopa.edu