Latest book - Travels with Dad: Family Adventures in These United States Latest articles in the Washington Post-owned Gazette newspapers in Maryland Blog: The View from Up Here Photography Other books Kevin wrote or contributed to: Big Bush Lies And Justice For All: The Untold History of Dallas A Parent's Guide to Dallas/Fort Worth Sex, Lies & Newsprint: Tales from a North Dallas Police Blotter A few details on Kevin Email Kevin |
![]() Kevin's dad, James Joseph Shay Jr., seen in this photo with his kids, grandkids and other relatives, passed away peacefully in April 2008. For a memorial page on him, click here. Kevin's latest books Kevin is always working on a book. He is now working on one tentatively called Travels with Dad: Family Adventures in These United States. The national travel parent's guide will cover cool, exciting, low-cost, adventurous family places in the United States. He plans to dedicate the book to his dad who whet Kevin's appetite for travel at an early age. Another book Kevin is updating from an electronic book published in 2003 is called Walking through the Wall. It details some international walks for peace and other causes he participated in during the 1980s. Kevin won a 2002 International PeaceWriting Award [$500] for the manuscript in a contest sponsored by the Omni Center for Peace, Justice, & Ecology of Fayetteville, Ark., and the Peace and Justice Studies Association of Evergreen State College, Wash. NOTE: For many of the ebooks and printed books, Kevin used just his middle initial. Following the death of his father in 2008, he started using his full middle name, James, as a tribute to his dad, whose first name was James. The kids - Preston's and McKenna's special page Tribute to Jackson and Spike, who entered doggie heaven in 2001 and 2002, respectively Activism Kevin has been an activist for issues related to human rights, justice, the environment, world peace, and other social causes. As one of his heroes, 19th-century writer, naturalist, and activist Henry David Thoreau, said, "How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live." In 1984-85, Kevin stood up and walked more than 5,000 miles across the U.S. and Europe with a group of people to call for an end to the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. A Wikipedia page on that project is here. Kevin has written about, and in some cases participated in, scores of other demonstrations and campaigns in the U.S. and Europe. To contribute to Kevin's work, click on the Paypal button below: Shay Enterprises - Freelance writing and more LayoffWatch - Site that tracks corporate layoffs and relates to companies' income Food for thought The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. - Thomas Paine SIGN the Shay's guestbook VIEW the Shay's guestbook |