New New New. Don't let our new look fool you into thinking that we have changed. We're still the same hard-ass dreamers that you've grown to love and cherish over the past two years. Now, we've just realized that you can't go forever not updating the page, and letting it get stale. So, go ahead...look around, enjoy yourself. Sit back, drink your coffee (or whatever high caffeine beverage you choose) and read our lovely selections, changed, every two weeks, just to accommodate our viewing audience.



Pipe dreams, things to live for

Pale Face Bitch
Senseless violence and death, it is what you make of it
Cellophane Undertone
Littleton incident and blaming others.

Mistress Speaks
the new additions, subtraction etc. Editorial Column
Added Phun
the obligatory sexion of linkz
Arsenic Awards
Poisoned page of the week, sites that we have nominated, or nominate your own site here
Breathe Me
Interviews, where we breathe the words of others
Get A Link, Give A Link
Link exchange, we'll give you one of ours, you give us one of yours
Bare Bulb Room
This is the Bio sexion, where to learn about the columnists
Gentle Muse
Poems that staff have written
Take Me Back!
archives, the old issues for your perusing enjoyment.
Screw The Stars
Book, Movie, Music, Life reviews, what we think, what you think
Small Clipz
Little pieces of stories that we either haven't finished, or were just meant to be this small.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!