born 1948, lives in Roma.
Address: V.S.G.in Laterano - 00184 Roma - Phone: +39/(06) 7096.566
"Great Passage" 1995 S. Margherita Parc Museum CERP Perugia |
"Fortilizi" installation 1995 Torre di Perna - Rome UNIPOL meating |
"Fortilizi" installation 1995 Torre di Perna - Rome UNIPOL meating |
"Fortilizi" installation 1995 Torre di Perna - Rome UNIPOL meating |
"Great Passage" 1995 S. Margherita Parc Museum CERP Perugia |
"Hyperthermia" 1995 Memorybox SpaziOltre Gallery - Rome Varosi Konyvtar - Ungary Sumithra Gallery - Ravenna |
"Arte agli Orti" installation 1997 flasback and memorybox Spoleto |
"Hyperthermia" 1995 Gallery: Varosi Konyvtar Gyor - Ungary |
"In hoc signo vi(n)cta" installation 1996 GIUBIL&ART and ARTEDOTTI Parco degli Acquedotti Romani Rome |
"Flashback & Passage" Milan Art Center Hothel Sheraton - Rome "Riparte Art Fair" 1997 portrait - foto Trani Ancona |
"Kyklos" 1997 Controspazi - installation Chiesa di S. Carlo - Spoleto |
"Pandora Containers" installation 1997 Farneto Terminal Rome |
Studies: High School of Art, Ancona; University of Bologna (anatomical design); Academy of Fine Arts, Roma.
Since 1969, he exhibits in personal and group shows.
Museums and Collections: Mystique Museum, Malta; Paper's Museum, Fabriano; Bagnacavallo, Ravenna; Museum of Modern Art, Spoleto; State Collection Gyor, Hungary; Land Museum St. Margherita Park, Perugia; Communication's Museum of Senigallia City; Popular Bank of Milano; "La Colomba", Venezia; Cafe Mozart, Milano; Praia a Mare (cs) Museum.
Archives: Biennale d'Arte, Venezia; Pecci Museum, Prato; PalExpo Roma.
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1996 - 2000 Director: Daniele Nefasto via Eroi di Rodi,89 Roma E-mail: wwwarts@geocities.com