Personal Mastery

"There is nothing more powerful you can do to encourage others in their quest for personal mastery than to be serious in your own quest.

Personal mastery is used for the discipline of personal growth and learning. People with high levels of personal mastery are continually expanding their ability to create the results in life they truly seek. From their quest for continual learning comes the spirit of the learning organisation.

Personal mastery goes beyond competency and skills, though it is grounded in competence and skills. It goes beyond spiritual unfolding or opening, although it requires spiritual growth. It means approaching one's life as a creative work, living life from a creative as opposed to reactive viewpoint."

Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline, 1990


"The individual who has developed a high level of personal mastery is a self-directed, self-motivated, self-actualized but team-oriented, transcendent individual who is powered ceaselessly by his belief of self-efficacy, continuous quest for learning and knowledge and guided by a noble sense of purpose whilst understanding his role as a knowledge creator, contributor and learning catalyst in relation to his self, family, community, organisation and country."

Tuck-Wai KOH, Achieving Personal Mastery, 1997



Characteristics of a person who has achieved a high level of Personal Mastery

  1. Creative /intuitive
  2. Expert in thinking skills
    • metacognition (thinking about thinking)
    • learning to learn
    • divergent / convergent thinking
    • inductive / deductive thinking
    • concept to operationalization
    • reflective thinking
  3. Expert in knowledge creation
  4. High mental / physical / emotional energy
  5. Highly productive
  6. Excellent communicator
  7. Highly enthusiastic / tremendous zest for life
  8. Very good at systems thinking / constructing mental models
  9. Very good at encouraging and developing team-learning
  10. Highly aware of his own strengths and weaknesses especially with respect to personality, teamworking / leadership styles, learning styles, intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships
  11. Highly self-motivated
  12. Transcendent
  13. Clear vision (personal & organizational)
  14. Clarity of thought and expression
  15. Caring & Sharing
  16. 'People-centred' leader
  17. Versatile manager
  18. High moral & spiritual values
  19. Competent in at least one form of the healing arts
  20. Healthy
  21. Skilled at martial arts or other body-kinesthetic activity which demands a high level of mind-body discipline
  22. Humility


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