The Squire Boone Home, 1815.

Spanish Fort, 1793. Currently
located across the highway from the Boone Home is yet another
newly acquired treasure: a recently discovered small fort built
in 1793 in the St. Charles area. Click
Here for an article courtesy of the St. Louis Post Dispatch
and St. Louis Today.

Schoolhouse, circa 1830,
from St. Paul, MO.
Milliner's Shop, circa 1840.

Carpenter's Shop, circa 1837, from Flint Hill, MO.

Peace Chapel, circa 1840-1860, from New Melle, MO.,
complete with a reconstructed 28-stop Wicks
pipe organ.
Sappington-Dressel House, circa 1807,
from south St. Louis County. The Lindbergh School District was
organized and chartered in the house's dining room.