Diana Queen of Hearts
Today we laid to rest our Diana,
A woman who despite her own pain
Showed to us, all that we can be.
Through this process of grieving her far too short life,
We have opened up our hearts,
The world over and joined together in love.
Lady Diana has shown us that this capacity for love
Dwells within us all.
What a wonder it has been to see
All around the world, 
People reaching out to their brothers and sisters
Across all lands, all cultures, all social classes,
What a legacy she has left us in her passing.
And how comforting that her sister in love,
Mother Theresa also chose this time to pass on to the other side.
One wonders if she has gone to show her the way home.
Our princess who has opened so many hearts in so many lands.
The world will be lonely without both beloved women.
And Yet, I see through their passing,
Our hearts have been opened up,
To see the love we carry deep inside.
And I believe many people the world over
Will carry on the work that was so selflessly and humbly,
My prayer is this:
That we keep our hearts open and refrain from going back,
To our old ways of isolation from our brother man,
and all Mother Earth's creations,
But rather instead,
Reach out a hand to comfort those in need,
Listen to compassion to those we meet,
Without judgment or criticism,
Open our eyes and see the spark of the creator,
That lives within us all,
And remain open to the love that is building within our hearts.
Diana, gentle Queen of hearts, 
You will be sorely missed.
Dear sweet Angel,
Rest in the peace of everlasting love.
By Cass Hepburn 1997

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