Lesson Plans 5


Web Site Creation So you're ready to begin creating a Home Page? Do you have an idea about the theme of your site? Do you have some unique knowledge that no one else on Earth has? ...a unique family history, special talents, creative writing, some insights about your family's ancestors and heritage, original photography, etc.? Have you been checking out how others have planned out their sites? Have you checked out some web sites created by current and former TCHS students? How about getting organized. Do you have a Story Board of your site? After your preliminary plan, the best way to learn how to create web pages is to dive right in--just like you learned to swim, ride a bike, drive a car, etc. The first thing you must do is get Space. The following URLs offer free web space: Free Home Page Sites oGeoCities The largest community on the Web w/ a great deal of free help for the beginning developer. oTripod Also a large and helpful free community. oFortune City This site offers 6MB of free space!! but sometimes difficult to get in though it seems to be improving. oMain Quad Student friendly web site that offers free pages. There are various tools and aids to help you with your web site. Below are listed some of the better tutorials and tools on the Web: HTML Tutorials HTML for the Rest of Us Great cyber spot for the HTML beginner! Eight Minute HTML Primer The authors promise you'll be an "expert" in 8 minutes. Project Cool Good starting place. Beginners should start with HTML Quickstart. Welcome Home Lots of tutorials out there claiming to be the best--THIS is the one! The best I've found so far!! Introduction to HTML Highly recommended introduction w/ an option to go to the intermediate level! Great Website Design Tips Web Developer's Virtual Library Excellent site w/ great advice for novice developers and for advanced web designers. Creative Web Design Resources Like Alice's Restaurant, you can get anything you want here...at least in HTML & Web Design help. HTML Goodies Great general site that also has everything you need! Web Reference Though largely commercial, there's some value here by clicking all the right places. CNET.COM Techie help available here Vino's Help Page Former TCHS student and Internet professional offers assistance with anything on the Internet Web Design Web Pages That Suck Now that you've created a web page, it time to re-evaluate! Web Style Guide Standards for good Web page design Top Ten Web Design Tips Rubric for Evaluating Web Pages A self evaluation tool Web Site Garage So you think you're done with your site? Enter here for a free Tune Up! Scripts Matt's Script Archive, Inc. Free CGI scripts! Webcoder.Com Jazz up your site with forms, cookies, & menus without learning Java. Graphics Over the Rainbow Very cool graphics and backgrounds Ace of Space Some great backgrounds and more! Grafx Factory Professionally created backgrounds Webmaster Network Lots of free icons, backgrounds, and other graphics Clip Art Connection Thematically listed to make it easier to find items. Icon Bazaar Like the title suggests--many icons and images here Barry's Clip Art Server Tons of free graphics!! Dewa Graphics Tons of graphics, animations, etc. Radiology Although it hasn't been updated for a year, this is definitely one of the best freebies out there. R.T. Computer Graphics Need some Native American graphics--you'll find a few free samples here Andy's Art Attack! Very slick graphics freebies Pattern Land Tons of professional graphics Danworld.Com Lots of free icons and other useful items Clip Art Index More free images HTML Goodies Great general site that has free images for your site. Animation Zone Very cool animations. Fairy Suryana's Animations Free animations The Page Free animations & world flags Pman's Home of Joy and CreativityGraphics and Animations from Denmark Webground Large collection of backgrounds For a "Fifties" feel, check out: Yahoo Graphics/Clip Art Let Yahoo's Search Engines find other graphics sites! Web Site Promotion How to Publicize Your Web Site Excellent article with promotion tips Free Promote Excellent resource and perhaps the main one you'll need to submit your "finished" site to Search Engines and Award Sites Broadcaster This site will submit your web site to 200 sources Submit-It Just as everyone comes to Rick's in Casablanca, every web site developer will come here sooner or later Rank This! Fantastic site to help you get your site listed higher in the search engines!!! Webring Consider joining a web ring to bring more people to your site who otherwise would never "surf" there Web site Examples TCHS Web Sites Current and former students J. Nesbit examples Some sites under construction at GeoCities, Tripod, and FortuneCity URLs Bud Uglly Web Page Design Examples of what NOT to do with your pages, complete with misspellings, horrid backgrounds, illegible text, and too many blinking words! Return to Home Assignments Literature Poetry Writing Film janesbit1@rocketmail.com

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