Escape frames
Deep in the Forest,
Across the Rolling Sea,
Throughout the Stars of Heaven,
We will always be!
Greetings, Traveler! In your wanderings
upon the Web, you have found a little-known enchanted realm:
Ashling's Forest. "Ashling" means Dream (it is not my name).
I am Stella Maris--some of you may know me as Ocean Child or Meris.
This is my webpage. Sprinkled throughout the winding roads of
Ashling's Forest are spells, recipes, crafts, rituals, and
other things. My page has no spellbook; my page is
the spellbook. Enjoy my realm!
Check out my What's New
page for the latest updates, so you don't have to search all over
my little kingdom.
I would like to make the following statements and disclaimers
(read them!):
- I am a pagan/Wiccan, therefore the content of my page will have a
pronounced pagan slant. Christians, please go
here-it is a page of links
to pages that have information about Paganism and Wicca that I think
you should read. Please! Remember, Love is the law, no matter what the
- Are you saying, "Wicca? What's that?" If you are, then
please go to my page for beginners--here. I'm called Jasper there.
- Puh-leeease, do not write me to tell me that I am going to Hell.
I do not believe in Hell anyways-or Satan-so you will be wasting
both your time and mine. Religous tracts and suchlike arriving by
mail will be dumped in the Gardens with the rest of the manure.
- I will not be held responsible for anything that happens to anyone
who does anything that I put on these pages. (That's clear enough,
wouldn't you say?)
- As far as I know, all graphics, text, etc. on this site are public
domain, except those otherwise noted.
- I am not responsible for the loss of preconceived ideas and/or
stereotypes, nor will I take responsibility for rearing your child.
- You're welcome to link to my pages! However, I would appreciate
it if you did tell me that you're linking to me, so that I can thank
you. Feel free to use my banner. Link it to
me at: /Athens/Parthenon/7039/
- Feedback! Feedback! I've gotten very few e-mails and
whatnot regarding my site. Please, if you have an idea, suggestion,
anything, then tell
me! I am open to suggestions! Also, feel free to ask me
questions. If there is something in these pages that you do not
understand, or if you would like to talk to me about Wicca and ask
questions, then
e-mail me.
I created this site for a warm and caring atmosphere, where it's
easy to learn. Please don't spoil it with your hate.
There, that's out of the way. Have fun and follow the faery!
"Those who the rhythm. Who watch the seasons. Who die
with the winter and rise with the spring."
--from Wise Child, by Monica Furlong
Ashling's Forest established on the Net sometime around Hallow's
Eve, 1997. Suggestions are welcome!
This site is © by
Stella Maris, 1997 and 1998 (this warning goes for all pages on
this site except those otherwise noted.)
This page hosted by
I'm Stella Maris, I'm
young and creative, and this is my page.
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