the SCIS file using WWW
- Create a text file using word processing
package or Notepad. The file must have a .txt extension.
- Key in SCIS numbers or wand ISBNs.
- Tip: Use small batches - no more than
30 entries per file.
- Save file to hard disk and to floppy (A:)
Use distinguishing file names e.g. 6Mayno1.
- Tip: For each floppy disk save only one
file to that disk.
- Start up Netscape/Explorer.
- Go to the Curriculum Corporation home
- Login into SCIS e.g. User name: 00000
Password: xxxxx
- Select Upload Order File.
- Click on Browse to find Select File.
- Tip : Do this even if you do know the
name of the file - this checks that you have the right
- Send.
- Confirm File Send.
- Order now in list.
- Check Stat (this tells you how many
records were matched).
- Check Not matched (this lists the ISBNs
not matched).
- Download by clicking onto USMARC.DAT.
- Click save file.
- (If there is already a USMARC.DAT file on
the floppy disk delete it.)
- Click Save File to A Drive.
into Alice
- Log all workstations (including Inquiry)
out of Alice/OASIS except the one you are using.
- Select (Double click on) DOS Utilities.
- Select G1 Select Rapid Retro.
- Select F3 Load Marc Record.
- Page Down and select SCIS/USMARC.
- Select ( C ) Continue.
- Select < S > Single.
- Type in/wand in the first Barcode Number.
- Tip1: Make sure that you have enough
barcodes for a continuous run.
Tip2: Do not barcode prior to download as it
appears that the SCIS download automatically sorts into
SCIS order. This is also the reason for keeping the
batches small as it it easier to deal with barcoding 30
resources rather than 100.
- ( C ) Confirm.
- < A > Add.
- Press ESCAPE.
- Press ESCAPE again.
- Print only the subject and series added
report and the resources added without subjects report.
- <R> Reprint or <C> Continue.
Continue if report has printed successfully.
- Exit from DOS Utilities.
- Go into Management. Locate by barcode.
Check and barcode resources.
- Delete original .txt file and USMARC.DAT
file from the floppy drive.