Cataloguing Web Sites in Alice
Note : Web sites can be catalogued in OASIS as above but you cannot cut and paste and you need Alice Inquiry to be able to launch the Web browser button. You also need a connection to the Internet for both the workstation running Inquiry and the workstation you are using to catalogue.
Some Additional Sources of WWW Sites
Bourke, Jan (1997) The Cyber School Series. Ready-Ed Publications, Greenwood, WA.
"Headstart" Courier Mail (Published Tuesdays).
Masselous, Poppy (1998) Internet sites for the classroom '98. Courier Mail, Brisbane.
NSW Department of School Education Scan
Online Educator Online Publications. Dallas, Texas.
Open Acccess Centre Electronic resource evaluations
Pledger, Paul (1997) Weblinks Pledger Consulting, Kangarilla SA.