FEAR As I walked out the door To check the mail. I saw a dog Sickly and frail. It was a Rotweiller With massive jowls, As I bent over He started to growl. His fierce demeanor Did cause me fright; I was afraid That he might bite. So I left him there All alone, Hoping he would Find his way home. The next morning The dog lay dead. Flies encircled His ugly head. He died of fear I do believe, Mine to give His to receive. SELF-ESTEEM What we think we are Is based on how we believe That we compare and rate To other people that we see. But we only see A censored, edited view Of the other people We compare ourselves to. And we always see ourselves Unedited and X rated, This is why self esteem Is destined to be ill fated. GOOD PARASITES A good parasite Doesn't kill its host. This allows them to Exploit them the most. A bad parasite Kills their host with haste. Then they must search For another to waste. The thing we call love Makes our lives bright. It also allows us To be good parasites. TELL IT LIKE IT IS I am very smart. How do I know? I heard it on TV; My congressman said it's so. I have high moral values. I work hard for my pay. How do I know this? It's what my senators say. Whenever my ego suffers, And self-esteem is missin' I'm reminded of how good I am By listening to politicians. And you can bet I will Continue to help to elect People so good at assessing My character and intellect. LIFE AND DEATH If we did not live, We could not die. If we did not die, We could not live. Life would be dull; It would be rather dry, If no matter what We could not die. If the thought of death We could not feel, Life would not be Such a big deal. So we dare it to happen; We stare into its face; We flirt with death; It make our heart race. We seek it out; We attempt to defeat it. With acts of bravery We try to cheat it. And these things that we do Would not thrill us Without the thought That they might kill us. So death will always Be our final fate, But it is death Which makes living great. Life without death, Like summer without fall, Would not be Intriguing at all. CRAZY? Why do people think A better deal they'll find If they do business with Those of demented mind? Wild Bill and Crazy Eddie-- Their minds they have lost. So we can buy from them At less than dealer cost. These merchants are so crazy That we think just maybe, We can steal from them Like taking candy from a baby. Does this reflect our nature, That we are so evil, We would like to swindle Those with minds so feeble? If this is how it is, And people are looking to cheat, Slogans such as these Would help business to compete: "Special Ed's Used Cars-- Everyone a gem. Hitch-hike to his lot and you might steal a car from him. Or "Stupid Johnny's Home Appliances, He's so retarded he may Let you have a refrigerator And forget to make you pay." But I guess the reality is That people fall for such pitches, So that being considered crazy Can help to bring you riches. "You can't cheat an honest man," Is how the saying goes. This technique works so well Because there are so few of those. LIFE IN THE PIPES For so long now, With so many to thank, My life has been headed For the septic tank. From the flush of my birth I traveled through the pipes. Making the voyage That I call "life." But when the pipes end That will be it, And I will dwell forever With all the other shit. DON'T LET THE DOOR The interview went well, I felt inside my gut, Until I let the door Hit me in the butt. This was the thing They told me not to do As they concluded My interview. It hit me in the butt! I wanted to sob. I guess this means I won't get the job. WILD HORSES I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay; But wild horses Drove me away. I wanted to come, But dog-gone-it! Wild horses Kept me from it. I should have known They were up to good When wild horses moved Into my neighborhood. And ever since The wild horses came They make me do All kinds of things. Those damned wild horses; They're a bunch of jerks. They keep me from Going to work. They won't let me rake Or mow the yard, Visit my in-laws Or do chores that are hard. They make me stay inside And drink and eat, Make me sit in my chair And prop up my feet, And watch TV, Press buttons on the remote, And feed the wild horses Sugar and oats. INVISIBLE If I were invisible To others eyes Bankers would be amazed At how money flies. Stack after stack Would float from the vault, And being invisible, I would never get caught. I'd go from bank to bank, Having lot's of fun Robbing banks Without a gun. When I was rich, Then I guess I would go to a spa To watch the women undress. And then I'd go All over town And have some fun Slapping people around. I'd hit them, kick them And then I'd bite. This invisible thing Would be out of sight! But I guess it's best That I can be seen. It keeps me from being Psychopathic and mean. POOR AND STUPID It is not good at all To be poor and bright, Because you are completely Aware of your plight. Being poor and stupid Is closer to being good, Because the fact you're poor Is not fully understood. So if you are poor, You can manage, Just do things to yourself That will cause brain damage. DO WE REALLY KNOW? You could be married for a century, Or maybe even two. But you'll never really know her, And she'll never really know you. You bond with parents and children, As strong as the strongest glue; But you'll never really know them, And they'll never really know you. We come into this world alone, And out alone we go, And in between we become so close To people we don't really know. Chicken Soup A plant popped up in my flower pot. I nourished it, and it grew. Its stalk was strong; Its leaves thick and bright. It thrived in the rays Of the summer sunlight. Proud it stood on that autumn morn As a visitor came to view This hardy plant in the morning dew. "That's a weed! He related in a shout. So I kneeled over And pulled it out. ASSUMPTIONS

The biggest fools, Doomed to fail from the start, Are the ones who assume That most people are smart. The ones who succeed, And make money by the peck, Are the ones who assume People have low intellect. But if you should ever Doubt this is so Just watch Jerry Springer Or the Ricki Lake Show. THE VIRTUE AND CRIME OF TIME Time filters memory Like a merciful strain, So that only good And beauty remains. But without mercy, This filtrated bliss, At death makes us think That living we'll miss. SUFFRAGE Louisiana has its bayous and boats. It is also the state where dead people vote. If our dead can dig out of their graves, The voting lines to brave, Then you and I have no reason that's valid For not going to the polls to cast our ballot. DISOBEDIENCE For every action, Say one of Newton's Laws, An equal and opposite Reaction is caused. In physics this law Is a constant reality. But it does not apply To you and to me. If it did, indeed, It would be very say. For every good action Would cause equal bad. So you and I Are special because We are free to disobey One Of Newton's Laws. PERSPECTIVE If one had to die, Chicken or prince, Which death Would make better sense? If you ask a rat Which one should pass, He wouldn't give A rat's ass! But it would be The chicken that died If the prince Was the one to decide. And the heart of the chicken Would keep on tickin' If it was the chicken Who was doing the pickin'. But ask a goat To resolve this spat, And he would likely Agree with the rat. "Man is the measure of all things," Protagoras once wrote. But he was a man, Not a chicken, rat or goat. TROUBLE IN PARADISE There was trouble brewing in heaven. Jesus was showing some wear. What was it that so fatigued our Lord? Answering all of those prayers! He went to God with his concerns. Determined to have his say. "There are almost six billion people, And most of them pray every day. They pray for more money. They pray for their favorite team. And you would not believe the number Who pray to be homecoming queen. They pray when they take a test. Asking that we'll help them pass. They get themselves in trouble, And pray that we'll save their ass. They pray for the sick. They pray for those who are well. They even pray for some lost souls That we've already sent to hell. Being the son of God, Is not a job that I need, If 24 hours a day I must listen to people plead. So take this as my notice; I will split this scene If you don't get me A good answering machine." God replied to his son "Don't quit this godly mission. When they pray do as I do And just pretend to listen." Jesus was astounded. "You mean you just pretend? You don't hear the 'Dear God's' You don't hear the 'amen's?'" "Of course I don't," said God. "If I listened to all that trite Even though I am God I wouldn't have much of a life." Jesus said to God, "You really are cool! To hell with all those prayers! Let's go shoot some pool!" So off they went to the pool hall-- Neither having a care-- Leaving mankind here on Earth Without a prayer. GLAD I DIDN'T KNOW Everything I've ever done That I considered good, Required more work Than I thought it would. But I didn't know, And for this I'm glad, For I wouldn't have done them If I had.

They automate, they downsize;
They send jobs overseas.
These are among the ways
Our business shows its greed.

And our poor grow in numbers;
They suffer for these offenses.
Their lives lose satisfaction;
These are the consequences.

And our poor think that God
Does not hear their prayers,
And if God does exist,
Then he no longer cares.

They lose spirit and faith,
Because of their losing hands;
They are no longer moved
To live as God commands.

Then our society suffers;
Our morality degenerates.
Our conscience is not strengthened
By religious faith.

And the rich count their money
And buy what they please;
But find their lives are lacking
Contented inner-peace.

For happiness and fulfillment
Comes not from purchased wares;
These will only come to those
Who answer their neighbor's prayers.

But if each person must learn this
by sacrificing their fate,
It will be individually learned
When it is collectively too late.

As we look at our degradation,
We look in places low;
For this is where we see
Our corrupt, immoral woe.

But to find the cause,
We must raise our stares,
And look at those who refuse
To answer their neighbor's prayers.


Our eyes convert light to electricity;
This allows the brain to see.
But in this crude conversion
We miss much reality.

Our ears collect vibrations;
A small range we can detect.
And all other commotion
Our brain must neglect.

Nerve cells in our tongue and nose
Detect chemicals which go by.
But they can only detect those
Of a certain shape and size.

Our skin has little nerve cells
That respond to mechanical events.
They convert them to electricity,
And our brain makes them make sense.

With all our limitations,
It is easy to show
That there is much reality
That we can never know.

And what we are missing,
I'm led to believe,
Is far more than that
Which we can perceive.


I am very smart.
How do I know?
I heard it on TV;
My congressman said it's so.

I have high moral values;
I work hard for my pay.
How do I know?
It's what my senators say.

Whenver my ego suffers,
And self-esteem is missin',
I'm reminded of how good I am
By listening to politicians.

And you can bet I will
Continue to help elect
People so good at assessing
My character and intellect.


The quality of living
Is so much less,
When in solitude
We find lonliness.


Last night in my sleep
I had a strange dream.
There were several animals
Arguing who was supreme.

The turtle said "I live long
And am protected so complete;
I only must be careful
When I cross the street."

The bird said "I fly
Into the sky so stellar;
But I must avoid
Airplanes and their propellers."

The fish said "I swim
So freely in the sea.
If not for pollution
Who know how great I'd be."

The spoke man:
"I build airplanes, streets and pollute."
The others grew silent,
As they knew their points were moot.


When all lost souls
To the lord they win,
When crime, war and hate
Are put to an end,
When all broken hearts
Have been made to mend,
When the lonely have friends
And orphans have kin--
What then?

When all skin colors
Have been made to blend,
When babies don't cry,
Politicians don't lie,
When mosquitoes don't bite
And people don't fight,
When gamblers don't lose
And winos don't booze--
What then?

Without causes to defend,
No helping hand to lend,
Do we say "amen?"
Is this the end?
I don't know, my friend.

But when all of this happens
A part of the enjoyment
Will be seeing Geraldo
Draw unemployment.


With money and blood pressure,
Things can get really rough,
If you have an overabundance
Or not enough.

With money and blood pressure,
You'll be fit as a fiddle,
If for both you are
Somewhere in the middle.


When people have money,
We love them more.
Money makes people
Easy to adore.

It makes them better looking;
It gives them personality.
They are people we want to talk to
And people we like to see.

We even love ourselves more
When we have a lot of bread.
We love ourselves so much
That it goes to our head.

Love and money--
It causes an ado;
Some suspect
That this love isn't true.

But it is true,
Without doubt,
Right up until
The money runs out.


Hope abounds
In our impoverished hordes
As the only comfort
They can afford.


I know a poet,
I won't mention his name,
Who tortures himself
To write of the pain.

He sets himself up
For an emotional fall,
And proceeds to beat
His head against the wall.

Then he writes of the torment
And the agony he's feeling,
And calls it his way
Of bringing on healing.

But I think, in truth,
That he walks into hell
Because failing is the one thing
He really does well.

So I no longer pity him;
He chose this way to go,
To be a magnificant wretch
Rather than an average Joe.


Laws are passed
When morality fails.
Conscience is
Replaced by jails.


Paper and pen,
In the hands of the wise,
Can describe the beauty
Of a summer sunrise.

Paper and pen,
In the hands of love,
Can recreate the glow
Of the stars above.

But paper and pen,
In the hands of hate,
Can destroy all that
Love and wisdom create.


The strength of the brave
Will far surpass
The size and might
Of their muscle mass.


Money is like water,
Once it goes into motion,
The pools, streams and ditches
Drain to the oceans.

Gravity demands
That material formations
Slowly drift
To lower elevations.

And the oceans will not share
With the pools, ditches and streams,
Except what the sun
Takes from them in steam;

And when condensation
Makes it heavier than air,
That is when
The poor get their share.

So the rich will always
Put the money away;
And the poor will bow
And to the heavens pray--

For the heat of the sun
To take some of these riches,
And caused them to fall
In the pools, streams and ditches.


The people that I know,
With whom I'm most impressed,
Don't need a bribe;
Don't need a threat.

They just try to do right;
They just try to excel,
Without the bribe of heaven,
Without the threat of hell.

Having no dogmatic delusions,
And no faith in magic tricks,
They follow love and conscience
Without the carrot on a stick.

Being honest with themselves,
They avoid the nonsensic,
And the goodness they achieve
Is more purely intrinsic.

They gaze far and wide;
Their stare is not fixed
On an unattainable carrot
Which dangles from a stick.

Truth and virtue within,
Truth and virtue without
An imaginary carrot
With imaginary clout.

Truth and virtue within,
Without threatening control,
This may be
The essence of soul.


Love and hate are both
Emotions that grow.
You are almost guaranteed
To reap more than you sow.

If you decide to hate,
All the hate you do
Will be multiplied
And returned to you.

But if you choose to love,
The love that you extend
Will be amplified
And returned to you again.


There was a wreck
On the interstate.
Traffic was backed up;
Everyone would be late.

When it became apparent
We were going nowhere,
We got out of our cars
To get some fresh air.

To my left was a man
Who drove a new Lexus.
I looked at his tag;
He was from Texas.

He was ranting and raving;
At the mouth he foamed,
As he shouted obscenities
Into his car phone.

Being delayed
Had set him aback.
He smoked a cigarette,
Then opened a fresh pack.

On the side of the road,
Pushing a buggy,
Was a homeless man,
So shabby and grubby.

As he walked past my car
I asked "how ya doin'?"
He said "I got a chipped wheel
In need of some gluin',

But other than that
Things are just fine."
He smiled and walked on--
Sipping his wine.

I looked at the Lexus;
I looked at the cart;
And I pondered what it was
That set these men apart.

The bum drank his wine;
The Texan hacked a cough.
I wondered which
Was better off.

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