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ANGEL IMAGEWhen I was Born Again (August 2000), I fell in love with Jesus. The following poetry was written in an attempt to grasp some of my feelings toward Him.



Circumcised Hearts

If I could slowly lower you
Over the crest misted waves
The breaker of tides awash in me
That you slide down and shake-

This wake has long been building
And crescent moons prevailed
The dawns that came full circle
With dew the only measure of night

That crept upon my sea-shored dreams of
Morning’s coming light.
There now is no haven born
To show the way still laid

Beyond the future of bright promises
Your eyes are not ablaze
For me and I see that now I’m
Going back to places yet kept warm

By the Arms held long eternal
For my eyes to focus and be quelled
But I am going knowing you were the
Hurt that put me back on His shelf

And it isn’t enough time to eternity
To tell Him how sorry I’ve felt.
Because I will always love you and
Because you will never be free to me

I will go along His trail that continues
To push me to my knees.

Lisa Nerone

My God My Love My Need

You're the Everything I dream of
the All of all my needs
You are my Joy and my Salvation
You are Everything to me

Yeshua Hemesshiach
Oh let me walk beside You
fill my mind with the Song of Your Voice
let me never move away from You
and keep me always held Secure.

Jesus My God My Love My Need
I come and bow before You
Hallejullah My life in deed and
Heart cries out to You
Oh God Your Love consumes me
Jesus, to smell the air of your Presence
You are You are You are my Everything

Exalt You God I Exalt You
In Love Oh god I love

Just for You Lord Just to You
I give my life and heart and plead
for more of You surrounding me
You are surrounding me in Mercy
and I am taking You in greedily Lord
My Lord My Love My Need.

Thy Kingdom Come

We walk in partial forms
offering acceptabilities
skimming surfaces like addicts
afraid to submerge.

I watch the smiles given
and held away
by averted eyes
too frightened to notice
and I pray...
...Thy Kingdom Come
...Thy Will Be Done
because we have gone
from our own sight
and if You still see us
I am ashamed.
I have joined the blind
in fear
of myself
in fear of
not being acceptable
and now I fear
of not being seen.

We walk in partial forms
and only meet our whole
in dreams
where it's safe to say
I don't understand...
I am confused...
I am afraid...

so I pray...
...Thy Kingdom Come
...this dream be done
and the arms of love
can hold me
in every stranger's embrace.

Copyright 1998, Lisa Nerone



I'm drained from something lately
too intense
that sucks at my energy
until I drop
then bounce rocketing
Ping-Pong style
off rackets of my own choosing
though blatant they are not.

Nervous energy is bottled gas-
invisable conbustable fuel
I've lived on for years.
Nervous fingers, feet,
tapping out ephemeral signals from
medulla oblongata
able on, gotta -
amblin' on along.

Please find me where
I lost myself:
speechless mute
muttering guttural pre-languages
back into the first cave.
Whining, yowling, watching it
Oh yes... Let there be light...
Swing with velocity
inner outer underling. And God said...
... suffer the children to come unto Me...
And from the firmament
He split the seas
... and multiply...
moldy pie.
Many layers to know Me by.

... In the blink of an eye...
Ahhh, rapture.
Anyway, did I mention
being lost?-
Tap-tap-tapping along,
blinking with wild abandon
Watching, whining all the while
whiling away time.
It's all relative
N R G = E=mc2.
Balancing is the trick when
hurtling along neuro-transmissions
until you reach the speed
of light
and find
time has actually stopped
long, long ago.

Copyright 1997 Lisa Nerone

If I promise
my mind
will the ramble
cease to blind and deafen me
with the causes of this life?

If I promise
my body
will You cleanse the lust
that binds me?

And if I promise
I'll be Yours
will You send Your Spirit
to hold me
for life?

I'll do it all

if You'll promise me
one moment
of peace.

Copyright 1997 Lisa Nerone


Prayers wrap my mind
a blanket of faith
nourishing and free:
virtual particles
I believe and
feed upon
and feed upon me
without resistance.
Bitterness gnashed
digesting me in segments:
both of me
evolve alone
and fight
for oneness.
I pray.

Copyright 1997 Lisa Nerone


Days of endless light,
the night that later came
when we were silenced
to engage the heavens
and weigh
the flesh against the soul.
Consider the splitting pull,
dancing on the edge of worlds,
ethereal, bounding through
all earthly agglomerations.
How enchanted, He with us,
to believe in us repeatedly,
to make a test that I've failed
and failed repeatedly.
I'm not alone, certainly,
but solace doesn't come
now that I have stiffened,
now that I can hear
a steady growing quaver
to begin the dance again
upon the edge of worlds.

Copyright 1997 Lisa Nerone

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