December is the tenth month  (after Martius) and is the final month of the Roman solar year.

Consualia is sacred to Consus, the deity of Time, whose exit we celebrate with the coming new year. The Temple of Consus is uncovered on this day and opened to public worship.

Faunalia is celebrated in rustic
areas, being a celebration of nature and animals. The people celebrate this festival with a dance done in triple measure, the same dance done by the priests of Salii, the priests of Mars.

Tiberinalia is sacred to Tiberinus and Gaia, and rites are performed in honor of the river god and the earth

Saturnalia is one of the most festive & uninhibited holidays that Romans celebrate. It lasts for seven days and encompasses the Winter Solstice. Feasts are provided by the temples and are open to the public, the poor, and the homeless. Servants and  masters  meet on equal terms.