Announcment: Apparently in spite of the fact that I have not updated the site in two years, geocities, now yahoo, continues sending emails to me saying that I am exceeding my bandwidth. I have had 45,000 hits in the past six months. I do not know how or why this is occuring, but it is, which prompts me to actually update the site more often. The page most accessed is the "History of Athens" page, which although correct is grossly inadaquate. It will be changed. I am taking out all these spinning things in the near future, the roman calender is two year old, and other cosmetic changes will occur. I do not have much free time to makes these changes, since I now live in Bavaria-Germany teaching Latin and English to students, but the changes will be made in the upcoming months. Email me if you have suggestions, please note I shall not be able to answer all of them.

Photographs of Staues at Brook Green botanical gardens

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ferro, non auro
'with the sword, not with gold'

A comical poem from a wall at Brook Green Gardens in S.C.

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