Two questions I am always asked after talks I have given in Singapore, England, Holland, Belgium, America, Ireland or wherever on Jehovah's Witnesses made me resolve to write this article. It appears that there is some concern among Christians as to the proper name of God.
Well before I get into this, please let me explain something very important. God does not condemn you for calling Him by the wrong name, your relationship with Him is what is more important. If you are truly a child of God, having repented of your sins, made the personal choice to make His Son Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior, and resolved to follow Him as led by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. That is what is much more important.
The name Jehovah is actually a mistake.
What do I mean by that?. Well God's name in the original language
of the Old Testament is .
That is YHWH when transliterated. Well the Jewish people and scribes
of the Old Testament were very worried about breaking the third
commandment, and not taking the name of the Lord in vain. At that
time the Hebrew language didn't include the vowels in the writings.
This was just introduced in the 10th Century as a series of dots and
dashes under letters to indicate the vowels. So when they wrote God's
Name in the scrolls of the Scriptures later, they put the
there, but put the vowels for Adonai (Lord) underneath, to
suggest the reader says "Lord" instead of the Holy Name Yahweh. It
was copied in some versions of the Septuagint (LXX) as Kyrios
(Lord in Greek). Other versions of the Septuagint used a
transliterated form of
just copying over the letters
into Greek.. Later Latin versions used the first format and put
Dominus (Lord in Latin) in place. This format of using the
title Lord is still used in some translations of the Bible in
English. The word Jehovah is a conflate of the Hebrew letters for
Yhwh and the vowels from Adonai. The malformed word Jehovah
came about through transliteration instead of translation.
The correct name of God according to the Hebrew is actually Yahweh. This has been correctly used in the New King James translation of the Bible. I would love to see His Name being used properly in worship and praise in churches. It pains me when I see books by Christian writers on the various titles of God, and the books are full of Jehovah-Tishri Jehova-Tsidku etc. If these people are going to write such books, they should do a little bit of research, it doesn't take much to see that Jehovah is a wrong name. It also pains me to hear worship songs to Jehovah, especially from people who do Messianiac praise and worship in Hebrew.
Secondly, our salvation is not dependent on getting God's name right, show me anywhere in the Scriptures that it says this and I will join the Jehovah's witnesses!. Even they know that Jehovah is a wrong name, look at the front couple of pages of their (per)version of the Bible the New World (mis)Translation!.
Shaun Aisbitt Sint Niklaas Oct 98