Chrestomathia Neodalmatica

Úna krestomátia da la langa neodalmátika ku úna deskripsión gramatikál da la lánga, ku úna glosúra, e ku des tékstas, túti ku traduksiónes in-a la langa engléza.

A chrestomathy of the Neo-Dalmatian language with a grammatical outline, a glossary, and texts with English translations.

* Indicates link not yet ready
A - General
     0 - Introduction*

B - Phonology
     1 - Phonology
       1.0 - Alphabet
       1.1 - Vowels
           1.1.1 - Diphthongs
       1.2 - Consonants

C - Morphology
     2 - Nouns
       2.0 - General
       2.1 - Masculine Nouns
           2.1.1 - Masculine Nouns ending in a Consonant other than z or s.
           2.1.2 - Masculine Nouns ending in z or s.
           2.1.3 - Masculine Nouns ending in a Vowel.
       2.2 - Feminine Nouns

     3 - Adjectives*
       3.0 - General
       3.1 - Comparison of Adjectives

     4 - Numerals*
       4.0 - Cardinal Numerals
       4.1 - Ordinal Numerals

     5 - Pronouns*
       5.0 - Personal Pronouns
       5.1 - Possessive Pronouns
       5.2 - Reflexive Pronouns
       5.3 - Interrogative Pronouns
       5.4 - Demonstrative Pronouns
       5.5 - Relative Pronouns
       5.6 - Indefinite Pronouns
     6 - Verbs*
       6.0 - General
       6.1 - éstra - to be
       6.2 - avár - to have
       6.3 - alír - to go
       6.4 - Weak Verbs
           6.4.1 - Class I: Verbs in -ar
           6.4.2 - Class II: Verbs in -ur
           6.4.3 - Class III: Verbs in -er
           6.4.4 - Class IV: Verbs in -ra

     7 - Adverbs*
       7.0 - Adverbs of Place
       7.1 - Temporal Adverbs
       7.2 - Adverbs of Manner
       7.3 - Quantitative Adverbs
       7.4 - Adverbs of Purpose
       7.5 - Emphatic Adverbs
       7.6 - Affirmative and Negative Adverbs
       7.7 - Interrogative Adverbs

     8 - Prepositions*
     9 - Conjunctions*
       9.0 - Co-ordinating Conjunctions
       9.1 - Separating Conjunctions
       9.2 - Reciprocal and Concessive Conjunctions
       9.3 - Substantiating Conjunctions
       9.4 - Conclusive Conjunctions
       9.5 - Explanatory Conjunctions
       9.6 - Adverbial Conjunctions
       9.7 - Comparative Conjunctions

D - Syntax*