
denotes Section Leader/Captain
- Jim Bohner (trumpet duet in Aztec
- Janet Klinger
Flags |
- Becky Heim
- Alison Herb
- Jessie Hinkel
- Jillian Kreiser
- Rachel Moser
- Marsha Otto
- Jennifer Reed

- Katie Rhoads
- Jolene Shade
- Cher Troutman

- Paula Wehry
- Kristen Wolfgang
Majorettes |
- Tiffany Bloch
- Jill Hinkel
- Jessica Hummel
- Nikki Mattern
- Andrea Melocheck

- Amber Rumberger
- Ashley Rumberger
- Kristin Shomper

- Erin Troupe
- Valerie Troutman
- Jessica Wenrich
Honor Guard |
- Erica Brosius
- Nancie Buffington

- Megan Zettick
Piccolos |
- Christina Fetterolf
- Debbie Schmaldienst

- Shanna Wiest
Flutes |
- Robyn Brummet
- Regina Cave
- Mary Koons
- Jessica Kroh
- Amanda Ludwig
- Brooke Maher
- Ginger Schmitt
- Tiffany Smith
Clarinets |
- Jen Bixler
- Tammy Bosco
- Annie Brown
- Danielle Bruner
- Nikki Fetterolf
- Steven Fetterolf
- Ashley Hinkel
- Alicia Klinger
- Jeremy Koppenhaver
- Jessica Kramer
- Christel Ludwig

- Beth Masser
- Rachel Moyer
- Gwen Reiner
- Stephanie Smith

- Tracey Smith
- Tommy Wehry
- Bridgit Wiest
Alto Saxophone |
- Angie Herring
- Jennifer Hinkel

- Dustin Kaster
- Danielle Klinger

- Amanda Wenrich
Tenor Saxophone |
- Sarah Dautrich
- Crystal Heim
- Amanda Herb

- Kristen Overkott
Trumpet |
- Sally Hepler
- Jason Kramer
(duets in Aztec Fire and Pictures
at an Exhibition)
- Tabatha Mattern
- Mike Morgan
- Drew Schlegal
- Matt Spickler
- Jason Stutzman
(duet in Pictures at an Exhibition)
- Heidi Wiest
Mellophone |
- Addie Manis
Trombone |
- Tommy Barry
(solo in Over
the Rainbow)
- John Neiswender
- Jake Rose
- Anthony Smith
Baritone |
- Shad Heim
- Scott Reiner
- Heather Sherman
- Jessica Shuey
- Robert Weyls

Sousaphone |
- Matt Otto
- Morgan Smith
Quads |
- Andrew Neiswender
Snares |
- David Clark
- Andrew Schreffler
- Jim Wiest

Cymbols |
- Ryan Greany
- Jared Maurer
Bass Drums |
- Adam Cave
- Jon Morgan
- Sommer Sallada
- Matt Wetzel
Runners |
- Lamar Adams
- Phillip Barry
- Erica Klinger
- Ashley Ritchey
- Natalie Smeltz
- Missy Spickler
- Matt Stickely
Mallets |
- Kristin Catherman
- Darren Ensinger
1997-98 Band Officers:
President: Jason Kramer
Vice President: Jim Bohner
Secretary: Janet Klinger
Treasurer: Christel Ludwig
Band Front Advisor is Mrs. Dawn Wolfe
Drum Line Instructors are Gordon Ensinger and Jason Shomper
A special thank you to Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. Kramer, Mrs. Morgan, Karen Morgan, and Gordon Ensinger for their invaluable assistance
during band camp.
We would also like to thank the Administration, Faculty, Staff, Board Members, Tri-Valley Band Parents Association, and the Tri-Valley Community for supporting Arts Education and Music in our Schools.

Send mail to jds2307@rit.edu with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997 Tri-Valley High School Bulldog Marching Band
Last modified: December 9, 1997