Athenaeum P ennsic XXVI | Athenaeum Pennsic XXVII |
St Valentine's Day XXVI Costume Show | House Athenaeum | Leona d'Este

For corrections, comments and questions: Leona d'Este /

St. Valentine's Day XXV Costume Show
Canton of Three Hills (Kalamazoo MI)
February 1997

13th Century rust and green gown with embroidery.

Isabella and Rachel
are wearing 16th century matching court garb.

Rochelle au Ciel-bas
Wool Moroccan burnoose, wool lined homespun overdress, silk underdress and a homespun embroidered tunic.
Genevieve Pompier du Marches is sporting an early Tudor Elizabethan in raspberry dupioni silk. The under-partlet and underskirt are a matching magenta brocade. This dress is affectionately known as the pink poofy thing from Hell!
Zaynab Yasmine Nothing says spring in Italy like butterflies everywhere! Zaynab has adorned her butterfly brocade dress with butterfly embroidery and buttons. To compliment her ensemble she added butterflies from head to toe with matching hat, necklace, earrings and shoes. The word for the season is accessorize!
Baroness Susan
is wearing an Elizabethan gown of ivory taffeta and lavender Italian weave satin. The gown is trimmed with ivory braid, pearls and faux amethyst. The look is completed with matching jewelry, hair net, gloves, and a silk chemise.

Caitlyn of Green Castle
Cream brocade Elizabethan gown with gold lace trim and faux pearls. (Geniveve Rose sewed the body of the dress and the ruff was purchased).

Troupe Selene
Middle Eastern Dance Garb. Designer: Lady Genevieve St. Jaques d'Avignon
Michaela de La Chesnay, Rannulf d'Aubruye Cotehardie and hood of 15th century design. Red cotehardies with gold and burgundy trim, gold brushed buttons and black velveteen hoods with liripipes. Designer: Michaela de La Chesnaye Lady Aikiken Olasfsdoitter is wearing an Elizabethan gown. Her use of geometric trim and wool fabric shows Northern European sensibilities. She has topped her outfit with a wool knitted flat cap made by Lady Jeanne Annela Bonnetiere and pearls won by her lord, Master Bjorn at last years Valentine's Day.
Lady Dagmar Northern Indian outfit complete with 2 layers of skirts and contrasting harem pants. The pants are made out of cotton and the skirts are of cotton and silk. The top is called a choli (cho-ly) and allows constant air flow if worn in a hot climate such as India-na. The choli is also adorned with a sari or veil to set off the outfit Lady Arlindis Bertille von Metten is wearing an Elizabethan gown with red brocade overgown set with pearls, gold beds, and rubies with gold settings. The ivory undergown is also set with pearls, gold beads and rubies with gold settings. This is worn with an ivory chemise, ruff and flat cap.

Lady Chaselaine
in a blue pearl studded and gold brocade Elizabethan with a train .

Lucia Greenstone
is wearing her wedding garb of ivory satin trimmed with gold ribbon, green glass beads and green ribbon, with an underdress of ivory silk in the fashion of Venice, circa 1475. She and Padraig were married May 31 last year.
Sayaka Hirayanagi Megumi Fuji
- This is a traditional kimono for winter. Nowadays, we wear this kind of kimono on New Year's Day, at a friend's wedding ceremony, or at a tea party. A fan is always carried in the belt and a small bag.
Megumi - This is a traditional yukata (u-ka-da). It is a Japanese summer kimono.
Lord Edward Cox is wearing the garb of an English knight and nobleman. His outfit, sewn by Lady Bridgett, is made from Italian gray wool and cotton imported from Egypt. He has added hand made riding boots and an English battle sword and knife. Buckler and fan are from Spain.

Freydis Sigurdsdottir
is modeling her second attempt at Viking garb. A hand embroidered and gored T-tunic of green linen with a striped gray overdress. Accessories include a tablet woven belt from Mare Amethystinum, accidentally coordinating shawl from Jo-Ann Fabrics and embroidered felt pouch made by Ottar Hrafnsson. The necklace incorporates beads of glass, metal and amber as well as site tokens and her jewelry came from Finland, Shetland, Orkney and St. Vinnie's. Designer: Freydis Sigurdsdottir and the Norns

Photographer: Hugh Thornbrand

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St Valentine's Day XXVI Costume Show | House Athenaeum

For corrections, comments and questions: Leona d'Este /