Okay, It's only a theory, but I figure I should mention it here on the net, on my page. One thing I've noticed here in sunny(LOL!) Michigan, is that almost every wiccan/pagan that I know just happens to be part of the graduating class of 1999. In other words, they're all going to be juniors this year, and also, the last class to graduate before the new millenium. This leads me to believe that there is probably more like us, and that beginning the new millenium, we should be able to "overthrow" the X-tian church. Let me explain that before you start thinking that I'm trying for a violent overthrow or something. What I'm saying is that with the new millenium, we're probably going to have more pagans than X-tians in the world, or maybe just the US, and we'll all be able to come out of the closet safely, because we'll have larger numbers. It's sort of like the goddess is trying to change everything for the better for the new millenium. It's like we're trying to change the unofficial religion is this country. What I think did it was the underground movement during the burning times, and the internet. Yes, the internet. How many of you reading this wouldn't be able to get much information on the Craft without the 'net? Then you know what I'm talking about.
Well, I've told my theory, and why I think that way. Just keep in mind that I'm not trying to rally up people, for those of you who like to do that sort of thing.
Blessed Be.
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