This book of shadows is meant to get you started, so you can see how other ones look. But you'll probably end up writing your own sooner or later. I've noticed that all pagans are creative. If you don't happen to think you're creative, then try out your rituals as a solitary first. Just have faith in them. The God and Goddess aren't going to look down from the sky, point their fingers and laugh at you. As long as you believe it works, it will. You just need to believe. Similarily, spells only work if you believe they do. If you keep telling yourself it didn't work, and it's not going to work, then it won't. Your negative eneries will be canceling out those of the spell's.
As a note, I feel kinda bad about putting other people's material on my page,
but I've given the author credit, so I'm not trying to steal it, but if I
shouldn't even have it up (If you know about the copyright laws and everything
-I don't know much about them) please click here
and tell me, and I will remove the material. Thank you.
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MIDSUMMER RITUAL!!! (June 21st, Summer Solstice)
Protection spell
How to find past lives.
I tell where a beginner who's short on cash can find Ritual tools.
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