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The above photograph of the Nine Ladies on Stanton Moor in Derbyshire, is a clickable map. Click on a stone to follow the link....

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If you have not been here before and would like to know what on earth a stone circle is, and something about this web site, try the Introduction. I have several sections with General information on circles, different shapes, astronomical theories, prehistoric context, and the who why when where how of them all.

There are smatterings of stone circles in various clusters about the British Isles and northern France, but these pages deal with Derbyshire in acute detail, including listings of every circle and related monument in the area. Over four milennia ago there was a community of people living on the upland area of what is now the Peak District and these enigmatic monuments are one of the few remaining traces of their culture.

I have recently produced a map of the area on which the Derbyshire stone circles are built. It shows the sites' relationships with the limestone / gritstone bedrock, the rivers and upland, as well as the modern roads.

There is my Book list if you want to try and obtain further reading material, Links to other stone circle sites, and for those who have been here before and just want to see What's New, I have noted down the details for you.

Talking of books the new edition of Aubery Burl's "Stone Circles of the British Isles" now titled "The Stone Circles of Britain Ireland and Brittany" is now available. This man is the foremost authority living or dead on the subject, and all his books are worth reading. This one is the definitive classic text on stone circles, even though Derbyshire is dealt with somewhat cursorily.

If you are interested in Stone Circles from whatever point of view, archaeology lecturer, pagan high priest, interested amateur or new age hippy, throw your twopen'orth into the crucible that is the STONES MAILING LIST.


You will need a browser which supports frames to view this web site. If you do not have one I have a complete index to allow you to get to all the pages.

Alastair McIvor is a member of The Stone Circle Webring. Click for the Next Page, Skip It, Next 5, Want to join The Stone Circle? Click here for info . Next Page

All the contents of these pages are freely available for anyone's use, credit me if you like. I'll appreciate it if you do, but won't care if you don't.