Ellen - 05/06/00 00:37:17 My Email:Ladybug6359 Your favorite hobby:: sewing Your favorite web site:: http:// Your all time favorite movie:: Pretty woman Your favorite color/s:: purple Your favorite TV show:: ER Your favorite RPG or game:: any card game | Comments: I love your site, it's great!!!!!!!! |
Sky Silver Flame - 04/11/99 19:13:45 My Email:mosephine@earthlink.net Your favorite hobby:: dancing Your favorite web site:: http:// Your favorite color/s:: black, emerald green Your favorite TV show:: Buffy Your favorite RPG or game:: Vampire | Comments: Hi my dearest friend, Your an inspiration to us all and I hope you are well.I will be getting my webpage up soon. Come visit me when I do. Sky Silver Flame |
Christine - 01/13/99 04:10:45 Your favorite hobby:: hangin' with Eva Your favorite web site:: http://Eva's Secret Heart Your all time favorite movie:: The Name of the Rose Your favorite color/s:: black, red, emerald green Your favorite TV show:: buffy Your favorite RPG or game:: anything white wolf | Comments: Eva you are the best friend I've ever had. You've been the most wonderful and supportive friend since we met, (only 8 months ago). Thank you and good luck. Blessed Be Sky Silver Flame |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Asriel Malloy - 08/26/98 02:18:49 My Email:Bloodydino@yahoo.com Your favorite hobby:: Vampires Your favorite web site:: http:// Your all time favorite movie:: Interveiw With the Vampire Your favorite color/s:: Black, red, green Your favorite TV show:: American Gothic | Comments: I like this page even though I was just wandering when I found it. I am curious and happy. |
Anita Laszlo - 08/22/98 14:12:35 My Email:isis21@hotmail.com Your favorite hobby:: Anything creative Your favorite web site:: http:// Your all time favorite movie:: Out of Africa Your favorite color/s:: white, burnt orange Your favorite TV show:: Friends Your favorite RPG or game:: Tombraider II | Comments: Hi, I really liked the site and found it not just interesting but also very intriguing and moving. Thank you for restoring my faith again. |
Calystia - 07/25/98 07:02:56 My URL:http://www.icdc.com/~calencia/calystia/ My Email:Calencia@icdc.com Your favorite hobby:: bellydancing Your favorite web site:: http://www.demonolatry.com/ Your all time favorite movie:: Dr. Zhivago Your favorite color/s:: black Your favorite TV show:: Xena Your favorite RPG or game:: Warcraft II | Comments: I am a traditional Satanist (devil-worshipper) and demonolator, not the modern LaVey type that hates Wiccans and other occultists. I believe all our magic comes from the same source - Satan, and that is not synonymous with "evil" BTW; he is the god of en ightenment. I like your page, very interesting. I don't know much about witchcraft, would like to learn more. What type of witch are you - Wiccan? Do you worship a particular god or goddess? Please visit my site. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
jimbob - 06/26/98 21:44:31 My URL:/athens/parthenon/6176 My Email:layrcjw@nottingham.ac.uk Your favorite hobby:: songwriting Your favorite web site:: mine! Your all time favorite movie:: Batman Returns Your favorite color/s:: Black, racing green, purple. Your favorite TV show:: Have I Got News For You Your favorite RPG or game:: Starship Command (Electron, 1983) | Comments: Wowser! A decent site with some decent text! Well worth reading and cool to look at - you are truly a beacon. Congrats. |
Cameron Rose - 04/23/98 21:22:53 My URL:/RainForest/Vines/5924 My Email:cameron_rose@hotmail.com Your favorite hobby:: Computers or wrestling Your favorite web site:: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/5924 Your all time favorite movie:: Pulp Fiction Your favorite color/s:: Red and black Your favorite TV show:: WWF Monday Night Raw Your favorite RPG or game:: Lunar: Eternal Blue | Comments: This is a nice site you have here. Keep up the good work! ![]() |
cassandra - 03/27/98 17:24:00 Your favorite hobby:: reading Your favorite web site:: http://www.lyrics.ch Your all time favorite movie:: the shaw shank redemption Your favorite color/s:: purple Your favorite TV show:: all my children | Comments: |
nicol - 12/08/97 02:28:39 My URL:http://none My Email:nic28@webtv.net Your favorite hobby:: music, reading Your favorite web site:: http://none yet Your all time favorite movie:: excalibur Your favorite color/s:: red, black, white Your favorite TV show:: dont like tv too much Your favorite RPG or game:: no games | Comments: i liked what you had to say, i have been "working" in solitary for just over five years. i see so many trendy and scary people around, i dont feel that i can trust anyone. is it like that for you?? I would love to hear back from you if you had time. I' going to check the links you have. |
Carol L. Hargrave - 10/31/97 19:08:46 My Email:chargrav@carsinfo.com Your favorite hobby:: role playing, singing Your favorite web site:: http://www.nascar.com Your all time favorite movie:: Labrynth Your favorite color/s:: electric blue/black Your favorite TV show:: babylon 5 Your favorite RPG or game:: Vampire:the masquerade | Comments: If I am I because you are you, and you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you. --Old Hindu Quote |
HONORARIUS - 10/03/97 16:23:36 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6175 My Email:honorarius@hotmail.com Your favorite hobby:: Nihilism Your favorite web site:: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6175 Your all time favorite movie:: 1984 Your favorite color/s:: Green/Black Your favorite RPG or game:: Nihilist Purity Tests | Comments: Hi!!!! I'm HONORARIUS. I'm a NIHILIST. I am affiliated with the UNION OF SURREALISTIC NIHILISTS. I am part of the commanding triumvirate of HONORARIUS, CAEDERE and ACERBUS. ALL HAIL NIHIL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~~KILLDEATHKILLDEATHKILLDEATHKILL~~ |
Eva Sines - 09/30/97 00:30:05 My URL:http://members.aol.com/EvaSines/evaindex.htm My Email:EvaSines@aol.com Your favorite hobby:: Ceramics at the moment Your favorite web site:: http://www.benjerry.com/halloween/index.html Your all time favorite movie:: Somewhere in Time Your favorite color/s:: purple Your favorite TV show:: Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Xena Your favorite RPG or game:: World of Darkness Vampire or Werewolf | Comments: I am a romantic and a dreamer, shy with strangers and very open among friends. I hope you will fall into the later category. My dreams are to buy and run a Bed and Breakfast in the Heartland of America someday, maybe even in my native Ohio country. I h ve been collecting recipes and decorating ideas. I want to feature beautiful gardens and home cooked meals in a rural or small town setting. Hopefully it will be a place near a private college or where the antiquing and sightseeing is good. You can sha e anything you like with me here... |