Eva's Secret Heart |
The Foundations of my Belief
When I originally thought of publishing this page, I wasn't sure what I wanted to say. actually, I wasn't sure I wanted to write it at all. I have been a solitary witch for almost a decade now. I lived in an area that is militantly Christian. I think it's wonderful to have a strong belief system as long as you don't try to impose it on others. I practiced in only the most secret ways for fear of discovery. Now, I am in a more open area. We even have an annual Withes Ball. It's nice not to have to hide anymore.
I have been compelled to find people who share similar beliefs, so I reach out to you here. I do strongly believe in science as an extension of nature and the supernatural. I believe the Laws of Physics are of the same wonderful craftsmanship that the rest of universe and beyond is composed of. Nothing is ever wasted or destroyed completely. E=Mc2.
Matter is inconstant. It fluctuates from the fabric of our lives to melt into energy, and be reformed in a never ending cycle of life death and rebirth. There is distinction between matter, and also between energy. We have only begun to delve into the strange and beautiful world of subatomic particles that make up everything. We all all one and the same under the surface. Witches know this intuitively and strive to respect and understand all that surrounds them.
If you are interested in hearing other views and belief from Christians and Pagans alike, I highly reccomend you visit Pagan Pride website.
Magic and the Power in Prayer
I see magic as a manipulation of the matter and
spirit in all things. Using our own spirit, we
can call upon the forces in others to make changes in the world that surrounds us.
Whether it is the spirit of earth and all things solid, or the energy of plasma in the
spirit of fire we call, they are not only our tools but become extensions of ourselves.
Magic works because of belief, or in some cases, the suspension of disbelief. As children we are much more attuned to nature. We eat when we are hungry and sleep when we are tired. We develop at our own pace. We see the wonder in all things. Magic surrounds us like our mothers arms.
As we grow older, we alter the natural rhythms of sleeping, eating, and reproduction artificially. We abuse our bodies and surrounding with drugs, carelessness, and calculation. We lose that link to the world somewhere along the way.
Casting the circle, calling the stones, scrying and meditation are all ways of letting go of our every day lives to get back into sinc with nature around us. We find our way back across the years to the place where we are one with the forces that flow through our lives. There, we can discover who we are and what we are made of. We can also begin to use those forces to mold the reality around us
The five elements used in Wicca and Witchcraft are traditionally Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. We call this union Akasha. I see these as reflections of the states in which all matter exists. Matter can be found in a solid, gaseous, plasma, and liquid state, and all matter is energy. I believe that energy is ultimately Spirit, the force that binds us to all things. It encompasses all forms of matter, animates them, and ultimately gives it life.
The Tools of our Craft
As a carpenter uses hammer, nails and blade, we too have our tools. These are symbols and representations of the forces we manipulate. They do not create our magic, just as the hammer and nails cannot
create without the carpenter's direction.
We each choose tools that reflect our own personalities. Take for example scrying and divination. One may choose a crystal ball, which is very appropriate for someone connected to Earth. A Water oriented Person might chose a bowl or caldron of that element. Fire gazing, whether using a balefire or a simple candle, may be more enlightening for Fire signs such as myself. Those connected to elemental Air may find meditation on a smoking censor the key to unlocking knowlege. Whether it be Tarot cards, Runes, I Ching, or Tea Leaves one must find out what works for them.
I have a heightened sense of smell, so scent plays a big part in my life and my rituals. A ceremony could not be complete without the inscence, scented candles, and ritual oils. I create these with the use of essential oils. This is commonly known and practiced on a regular basis as Aromatherapy. Using these precious oils, you can create unique candles, massage oils, bath salts, and soaps to be used in your rituals and daily life.
Many witches use elements of the craft in their daily lives. We may use fresh organically grown fruits, vegetables and herbs in our cooking. I choose to cultivate my own herb garden for just this purpose. I harvest my Basils and other herbs with my Boline and thanks. The energy from these fresh ingredients add so much more to life then most store bought stale ingredients.
Resources for the modern practicioner
Aura Cacia home Page- This company carries my favorite essential oils. I am allergic to alcohol so I use them for everyday perfume, as well as in massage and sacred oils.
Yankee Candle Company - fragrant candles. I love their line of wax poppouri also.
Lingle's Herbs- offering organically-grown herb plants and seeds including rare culinary and medicinal herbs as well as cookbooks for their use.
Contact Information
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If you have any personal questions or comments, or would like to open a dialog; please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address.
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