I am slowly trying to put this page together. Please sign my guestbook and let me know what kind of things you want to see.
I regret that not all areas are open yet. Check back frequently things change.
Dedicated to the pursuit of Wicca knowledge.
Blessed Be!
The dragon in the upper left corner of my pages will always bring you home.
Witch's Words | Wiccan Beliefs | Elements | Herbs |
A Witch's Kitchen | Astrology | Totems | Crafts |
Quotes | Pagan Poetry | Shadows | Folk Wisdom |
Pagan Songs | Newsletters | Links | Webweaving |
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Witchcraft is a fun religion. No running around in fear, no hatred, and no cowering at the Almighty.
It is a natural aspect of being that joins easily with the cycles of the Universe.
Entering the Craft is a serious decision that should be well thought out and considered.
Witchcraft is not a religion where you can dress up, go to chruch,listen to the sermons and go home to forget it until next week.
I have pulled from many sources over the years and have tried to credit the authors if known. Some things I have been given over the years by friends and I do not know the author. Many apologies to any one I missed.
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